Chapter 19 - Thinking and Plotting

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Chapter 19




??’s POV:


This monarchy has gotten to a stupid time and place right now. Years ago they were all about purity and pure born monarchs, but now they are letting a human live in their castle. What happened to the times when a vampire instantly turned his mate if they were vampire? Have times become so loose?


That human scum does not deserve nor belong on the throne and a lot of us agree. How dare she walk around with the title she does not deserve and throw her relationship with Salem in everyone’s face when we are all damn sure that she doesn’t trust him fully? That was probably the real reason as to why she’s still human and I’m sure if we got her out, she would just go home.


We need a plan to get her away from him and we know that he will become hollow, but at least a pure vampire will be his Queen not some scum he found from a school where she was called a charity case. We’re sure that she is just there for the money and the dresses. That’s what we’ve heard at her old school, that she was a gold digging whore. None of us want a whore on the throne.


We have to do something and we know what will happen once she is gone, Esmeralda will be on the throne and she is a pure born vampire from a pure line which means that the children she bears for him will be pure too. That is what we want.


Once she is away from him and he is forced to marry another, tying himself to another, the bond will be broken and she will die. Once she is gone and out of the picture all will be okay, but we have to take her closer to the time of the 6 month due date. Once the 6 months is up, then he has no choice, but to marry Esmeralda.




Taking her, we’re sure won’t be too hard. At a ball to celebrate the pre-coronation about a month before the 6 month due date is when we will take her and keep her away. We’re leave some sort of note to say that she ran away and I’m sure with how jittery she is about all of this, he will believe it or at least hopefully he won’t find her before the 6 months is up. We just have to put this into motion and start watching this little bump in the road.




3 months on…


Cassandra has been with Salem now for just over three months, which means we are half way into the time limit and still she is human. I really don’t see her being a vampire and being with Salem. I sometimes wonder if I’ll even need this plan, from the way she is acting, she’ll sabotage her own future. Stupid little girl.




Salem’s POV:


I was in my office, sitting across from my mother, listening to what she had to say to me and a lot that she was going on about made sense. I mean, Cassandra and I had been together for just over three months now and it had been a great three months full of laughs, love and good times. Yes, we have had issues, but nothing major that only took a kiss and a hug to fix. She seemed to be calming down and welcoming the idea of living here more. She was taking part in more duties that she had such as planning parties and taking care of charities that my mother was a part of, but has since handed them over. Most of the public adored her and she hadn’t had to see any of those other women from before since that night.

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