Chapter 18 - Proof of love

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Chapter 18


I woke up hours later and I was still asleep on Salem’s chest, but I was no longer in my old bedroom and I was back in the bedroom that I shared with Salem. A few things had been replaced that I could see such as my vanity table and the draws. There were some fresh paint stains that had been covered over which meant that there had been scratches on the wall. The curtains had been changed and so had anything else that had been broken. My eyes were a little blurry for a little while and I blinked it away before looking up at Salem. He looked down at me and smiled at me before kissing me lightly on the lips.


“What the hell happened in here?” I asked as I sat up and yawned as I looked around. It looked like this place had been gutted and changed. I wondered how angry Salem had got last night and how much he had actually broken. I never knew he had such a temper.


“I told you, I got a little angry.” He told me as he ran his fingers through his hair and looked at me sheepishly like I was going to yell at him. It wasn’t me that was going to yell at him because not 10 seconds later his mother came into the room holding the pieces of the tiara I was wearing at the ball. I looked to him and gasped because I had actually liked that tiara. Whereas I looked shocked and sad that the tiara was broken, his mother looked livid.


“Salem Dante Ignacious John La Fey, would you care to explain this?!” She screamed at him and I almost laughed at how white he looked.


“Cassandra and I had a fight and she left to sleep in her old bedroom, so I got upset and tossed a few things. I am deeply sorry for the wrecking of your tiara, mother and I will not do it again, I am sorry.” He told her and it sounded sincere. I could see that he was truly sorry for his actions. His mother looked at his and huffed before staring at me as if to ask me if what he says is true, to which I nodded.


“Fine, I shall see if the master craftsmen can fix it, but no more destruction of property. I can’t take another redecoration of your room.” His mother told him and he nodded to her before she left with a smile towards me.


“You got in trouble.” I sang to Salem with a giggle and he turned to me before lunging at me and tickling my stomach. I laughed out and begged him to stop. He eventually did stop and allowed me to breathe. I panted as I got my breath back and smiled up at him. I liked it like this, when it was just the two of us and there were no others that could play on my mind. Salem lay on top of me and played with my hair before leaning down to kiss my nose. He kissed my forehead and then nibbled on my earlobe, which made me gasp. I put my hands on his chest and push him back. I don’t want him to seduce me because then I will start feeling like one of those other girls again.


“What is it?” He asked me.


“I just…I want…what I mean is…” I tried to say, but it was so hard for me to utter the words. I didn’t want another fight with Salem. I wish I could say what I meant, but this was a sore subject for the both of us. I didn’t know how to say it.


“You don’t want to feel like those other girls, do you?”


“I already do, but I don’t wish to again. I want to be treated as you have said before I give myself to you again.” I said and he looked at me, sighed and then nodded in agreement. He kissed me quickly on the lips and then got off of me. I sat up and smiled weakly at him. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings, but he needed to know how I feel. I want him to keep his promise before he even attempts to come near me.

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