Chapter 27 - Save me

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Chapter 27

Cassandra’s POV:

 How long have I been here? How long have I been starved? Is Salem looking for me? Does he miss me? Does he realise I’ve been kidnapped or does he think I’ve run away? I feel so sick and so thin, the pain in my wrist is there, but I’m in so much pain everywhere else that I don’t feel any one single area of pain, just lots of pain everywhere. I am curled up on the straw bed that’s been made for me and it is shit. It is itchy and horrible and I hate it, but I can’t lie on the floor because of the drops of dead man’s blood everywhere. I can barely move anymore and I’ve been planning, for what seems like weeks now on my plan to get out.

I get fed every three days a bag of blood. I take a sip to keep me going and stash the rest. I now have 5 bags and so from that I take it I have been here for 15 days. 15 days and Salem still hasn’t found me! Has he forgotten me already? We are meant to be getting married and coroneted in 13 days and by the looks of it, it won’t be with me.

I am going to wait until the guard comes in with my next meal or to beat me like he likes to do, which he does every day and sometimes more the twice a day. I have many broken bones and fractures that are healing so slowly I might as well be human. I am bruised everywhere and I’m sure a few of my organs have been perforated, but are healing. My head has been smacked against the floor and walls so many times that my skull must be in pieces. My clothes are now rags and the shreds are barely covering the intimate parts of my body. The guard comes in everyday with the same question, ‘sex or a beating?’ and I always take the beating. I’d rather be tortured then have any other man touch me. Maybe through these beatings I’ll eventually die and won’t feel the pain anymore.

Anyway, as I was saying, I’m going to wait until just before the guard, the head guard Gus, comes in with the question for me and I’m going to down all 5 of my bags of blood. Then and hopefully then I can get to my powers long enough to fly out of here. I hope I can make it home.

Salem’s POV:

Cassandra has been gone for 15 days and the wedding and coronation is in 13 days! The chances of me marrying Esmerelda are getting closer and closer each day. Where is she? I can’t feel her and I can’t sense her? Has she really run away from me? She was so angry with me the last day I saw her, but then she loves me and she knows the consequences of leaving me. With the wedding being so close, Parliament has decreed that Esmerelda move back into the palace to prepare to be Queen. My insides turned to mush and I thought I was going to murder myself. Her parents were so smug and happy, which made me think that they had something to do with this.

I can’t help but believe that she has indeed left me and that’s what has been circulating. The news was saying that they had heard from a reliable source that they had seen the Princess running away and was gone from sight before they could catch up with her. Has she left me to be stuck with Esmerelda because I didn’t ask her to marry me? Was I such a bad Mate to her? I can’t help, but surrender myself to the fact that I am probably going to be married off to Esmerelda, who if I’m honest doesn’t look as excited to marry me as she did a few months ago. My life is over. 

Madeline’s POV: 

I do not believe that Cassandra ran away from my son, she was just angry and if I’m honest she has been acting strangely lately, but that’s probably hormones or something and she was human, so this is all just shell shock really, but to run away, no I don’t believe it and the way she looks at Salem, I know it is not true. I had secret groups of the army looking around the Kingdom for her as I am defiantly sure she has been kidnapped and I don’t care what my son thinks or says, she has been taken because she loves us, I have to believe that.

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