Chapter 3 - Cold, Hard Night

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Chapter 3

I don’t know how long I have been here. It feels like hours, could be days, I don’t know and I had no way of telling. I heard distant moaning or shuffling, probably from other inmates and it just made me slink further into the corner of my cell. My chains rattled as I moved and they bit into my skin more, which made me hiss in pain, and I pulled my knees up to my chest. My dress covered my legs and kept me a little warm, but my arms were bare so I was shivering a little.

I really didn’t like the smell down here, it wasn’t nice at all and in the beginning, when I was first down here, I gagged at the smell, but I was slowly getting used to it. I heard the gate to the dungeon creak open and I turned to try to look at who it was, but the place was barely lit up. I heard the rustle of keys and the creaking of one of the cell doors. It was only when someone came closer to me that I realised they had come in here. I gasped as they got close and it was one of the guards. He came closer to me and I whimpered into the corner, but all he did was place a tray of food in front of me.

I looked down at the food and realised how fancy it was. There were three courses and two drinks. The first course was a green coloured soup with some bread. The second was a slightly cooked steak with the trimmings and the dessert was a piece of pie. I didn’t realise how much I was hungry till the smells of the food hit me. I looked up at the guard and looked at him confused.

“Eat.” He told me and then turned away from me.

“Wait!” I called to him and he turned to look at me. “When can I go home? Please, let me go home.” I begged him and he sighed at me.

“Never, now just eat or he’ll be angry.” He told me and then walked out, locking the cell door again and leaving.

“Who? Who will?” I asked him as I got up and ran to the cell door. The chains rattled as I moved and I screamed in frustration as I rattled the cage door. I sat back down in the corner and looked at the food. I nibbled at bits and pieces of each, but not making it look like I had eaten a lot. My stomach accepted the food, but I didn’t want to eat all of it just to see who would be angry if it didn’t look like I was eating.

I pushed the food away and in frustration I threw the tray at the cell door. The floor splattered everywhere and the cutlery smashed. It created a loud crash and I put my head in arms as they curled around my knees.

The guard came back after my frustrated crash and he groaned at me. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Oh he will not be happy about this.” The guard said in a frustrated tone.

“Yeah well I’m not happy about being here!” I screamed back and the guard cleaned up my mess before leaving. I screamed in frustration and exhausted myself to the point that I fell asleep on the floor.


I got home after killing the girl who would dare touch my woman and I was very pleased with myself for it too. It was one of my more enjoyable killings and I had a smile on my face when I walked in through the front door of my kingdom. I could now rule as the ruler as I wanted to because I would have my mate by my side and not that horrid whore of an arranged marriage, talk about your nick of times.

My smile faded as soon as I heard the shrill voice of said whore followed by her running down the stairs. I groaned in annoyance and disgust as I turned to face her. She was the eldest daughter of the wealthiest land Baron in my Kingdom and it was a marriage of convenience, but now that I had my mate, by law, I didn’t have to be with her anymore.

“What’s this I hear about you finding your soul mate?” She asked me in her annoyingly high, shrill voice and I groaned as I felt the oncoming headache I always get from talking to her.

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