Chapter 28 - Guilty

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Chapter 28

Salem’s POV:

“WHERE IS SHE?!” I screamed as I ran through the castle. I’d been told by one of the palace guards that Cassandra had been found. They told me that she had indeed been kidnapped and by the Baron and his wife’s hit men. She had been starved, beaten and chained with silver for 15 days and I had thought the worst of her. How could I have done that? I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her. I am going to kill all the men who worked for the Baron and him and his wife. I am going to torture them like they tortured Cassandra.

I ran to the castle’s infirmary and there, being seen to by the doctors and hooked up to a lot of IVs was my unconscious mate. My mother was in here, covered in blood in spots and when she saw me, she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the room. I tried to fight her on it and stay with my mate, but she was stronger as she is older.

“How is she?” I ask as I stare at the shut door.

“Broken, bruised and severely dehydrated; she was starved, beaten and chained. She was kidnapped, she didn’t leave you and she was in bat form when we got there, she had obviously planned on getting back to you, but she needed time.” My mother told me and my stomach rolled at the thought that my mate had been hurt that badly. How could someone do that to her? She never did anything wrong.

“How could I think so low of her?” I sighed and I felt like I didn’t deserve her. I thought so little of her. I didn’t trust her. How could she forgive me? My mother went to find her, not me.

“I don’t know, but she is being taken care of by the doctors and I shall stay with her, you go deal with the Baron and his wife. Esmerelda led us to Cassandra, so let her off, but do as you wish to her parents.” My mother ordered me.

“No, I want to stay with my mate.”

“You thought she left you! You were content to leave her in that cage thinking she’d run away! No son, you want to do something towards getting back near her, you punish her kidnappers, now!” My mother ordered me and she stood in front of the door to my mate.

“But…” I said and looked up at my mother and her eyes were blazing with anger. “Okay.” I sighed as I took one more look at the door to my mate and then left to the dungeons where the henchmen were a long with the Baron and his wife. I was so angry with myself and them and I wondered if Cassandra was ever going to forgive me.

Baron Vincent was making such a horrid racket and demanded he be let free. He said he had done nothing wrong and that we had no just cause to keep him and blah, blah, blah. I walked over to his cell and growled at him. I could happily rip this man’s throat out right now.

“Let me go, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Yes you did, you had my mate kidnapped, beaten and starved.” I told him and a little worry went through his eyes before he stood with his arms crossed.

“You can’t prove it.”

“Oh yes I can and I will, right now.” I sneer at him and his up-tight self. I can’t wait to take his head for this and everything he has ever done to me and especially Cassandra. “Set up the court and prepare the prisoners.” I yelled as I walked away.

In the castle we had our own sort of court room for crimes against the Royal Family and it was here that I would pass judgement on the Baron and his Wife. I sat in the Judge’s seat and a handful of Parliament came in and sat down in the 10 seats that were in here. The Head Lawyer, Lord Vander, would be the prosecuting lawyer for Cassandra and the Baron and his wife would have their lawyer; I think his name was Sir Dray.

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