Ground Rules

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The main rule of the place is as follows:

Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

So, that means, no heavy cursing (s and f word and anything worse is excluded), name calling (whether it's aimed at Christians, Muslims, atheists, etc.), rudeness, or anything like that  is not allowed regardless of who you are. Also, please try to keep arguments and discussions in private chat boxes rather than in the public. While discussions probably will occur, please try to keep in mind the above verse.

Another thing to keep in mind is this, while I have total faith the Word of God is true, I, Tara Meese, (Not my real name. XD) am fallible, and may be wrong in areas of opinion. Things, though, that are in the Bible are true. For example, the Bible says we are to listen to godly music. Some interpret this as ONLY listening to godly music. Other say we can listen to godly music and secular music as wisdom allows. There are also differences in what godly music is. I will try my best to keep things as biblical as possible.

Thank you so much for reading! You are all welcome regardless of religion, sexuality, gender, or nationality, and Jesus Christ does love all of you! Have a great day!

Christianity Plain and SimpleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora