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Today I woke up and ran to the bathroom throwing up. I am in my 3rd trimester so this is not morning sickness anymore. Someone was walking by the bathroom and eard me throwing up so they walked in. It was Calum.  He told me I wasn't going to school today which was fine with me. I kept on throwing up. Dad went downstairs to get em saltine crackers. After throwing up I ate some but then went to throw them up. I was even throwing up water. I decided to go back to bed.

Luke: Can't it hurt the babies somehow if se is sick while pregnant?

Michael: Well it is possible but she will be fine.

Calum: So what are we doing today.

Ashton: We need to go grocery shopping.

Luke: Well we can do that and you can stay with Ali.

Ashton: Ok. Get some ginger ale for her. Our thermometer also broke so get one of those.

Ashton's p.o.v

The boys left and Allison was sleeping so I was cleaning up around the house. I needed to clean the kitchen, and take the recycling out to the end of the driveway. I went into the garage to grab the recycling and take it outside. Luckily there was no paparazzi surrounding our house. I walked back into the house and began to clean the kitchen and heard Allison get up. she came downstairs and asked for something to take to help wit her flue. I looked through the cupboards and found something to give to her. I gave er a glass of water and she took the medicine. How long until they are back.

We heard the door open and in came the boys. They had the thermometer. They gave it Ali. Her temperature was 101 degrees. We gave her ginger ale and told her to go back to bed.

Allison's p.o.v

When I went back upstairs I realized that I had work today. I called in sick and then went back to my room. I wasn't that tired so I decided to do homework. The teachers send you the work online if you are sick. After doing my work and throwing up more I was still tired so I went back to bed. 

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