The "Flu"

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Allison's p.o.v

Today I woke up and ran straight to the bathroom. i then vomited everywhere.

Ashton: Yeah you are staying home today.

Allison: I'm going to have saltine crackers so I can eat something.

Ashton: Ok.

I grabbed the saltine crackers and went back up to my room. After eating i began to throw up again. If this is what I think this is I might have morning sickness. I know something happened Halloween night. I can't believe Daniel lied to me. I need to get a test. Even water made me want to throw up so I knew I didn't have a fever. I got Calum and we started to drive.

Calum: So where too?

Allison: Target.

Calum: Ok.

Allison: Calum I have to tell you something and you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone.

Calum: I promise. 

Allison: So on Halloween night I drank too much. The last thing I remember was being dragged to his room and on the bed by him. The last thing I remember was me saying no. I then blacked out. I confronted Hudson Olivia's ex when she told me what happened. He told me that Daniel is doing this as a bet. The bet according to Hudson was to date for 4 months and have sex with me twice. So I thought we only did it once what the hell. I then confronted Daniel and he denied everything but I don't believe anything.

Calum: Wait so you had sex at 16, were raped, your relationship is a bet and we are going to Target to buy a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant which would cause the morning sickness you are having?

Allison: Yeah. Please just don't tell anyone.

Calum: I won't but he better not of raped you.

Allison: I know.

- they put their hoods up and glasses on and walked into target-

Cashier: Aww are you 2 trying to start a family.

- They burst out laughing-

Allison: This is my uncle.

Cashier: Oh sorry.

Calum: It's good.

- They leave and go back home seeing that everybody left-

Allison: I am going to take the test now wait outside the door please.

- She takes the test and goes back out to the living room while it processes-

Calum: Ok let's go look.

Calum's p.o.v

The test was most likely done processing so we went into the bathroom. We both looked at it and our jaws dropped. Ali was 4 weeks pregnant. She then began to cry.

Allison: Cal what am I going to do?

Calum: Well first you need to figure out what you want to do with it. Then decide when to tell everyone.

Allison: I called the doctor and he said he can see me December 12th.

Calum: Would you like to tell the boys before that or after that.

Allison: Maybe tonight.

Calum: Connor invited someone over so maybe after that.

Allison: Ok.


Allison's p.o.v

It was 5:30 and we were all waiting for whoever Connor invited over to arrive. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Connor: I'll get it.

- he walks back in the room with the boy holding hands-

Connor: This is my boyfriend Nick.

We spent the next hour eating and getting to know Nick. He seemed like a nice guy. He left an hour and a half later.

Allison: Ok I have to tell you guys something.

Ashton: What is it?

Allison: Ok so when I went to that Halloween party I got drunk. I was drunk to the point I couldn't walk. Suddenly I was dragged upstairs to Daniel's room. He pushed me onto the bed. I told him to stop but he didn't. I eventually blacked out. I was told buy Olivia's ex boyfriend that this was all a bet. The bet was date me for 4 months and have sex with me twice. he told me that all was left wass the 4 month point. That ment we had sex twice. This means I was raped. I asked Daniel and he denied everything I said. Today i was throwing up so I told Calum everything and we went to get a pregnancy test. So um. I am 4 weeks and a day pregnant.

Ashton: What!

Allison: I'm sorry.

Ashton: No I am going to kill him next time I see him.

Michael: So when will you go to see a doctor?

Allison: December 12th.

Luke: Are you going to break up with him?

Allison: Yes but I want the truth from him first.

We talked about it and nobody was mad at me. That was great. I can't wait to have my own child but that can take a toll on my schooling, career options, relationship and I don't necessarily like the guy who my child is with. 

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