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I woke up and remembered that we had to take Thomas to the vet today. We got up and I cooked everyone breakfast. We were dropping Lauren off before. Once we ate we got in the car and drove her home. Once we got to the vet we walked in and brought Thomas up to the table.

Vet: Hello!

Ashton: Hi.

Vet: I am going to see how many beats a minute Thomas's heart does.

- He does it and looks at them- 

Luke: What is it?

Vet: Thomas has an irregular heartbeat. Has he been eating.

Connor: No actually we have tried feeding him but he refused to eat.

Allison: He is also less active.

Vet: I am not sure but I am going to test Thomas for Canine parvovirus.

Michael: What is that?

Vet: Well the short form is parvo but it is a fatal disease. Your dog is  having the symptoms of parvo.

- He does the test and looks back at the family-

Vet: Unfortunately Thomas has Parvo and he will day maybe in the next week.

Ashton: Should we think about putting Thomas down?

Vet: I would say yes. He is in a lot of pain right now.

Luke: Allison: Can I have one more night with him?

Vet: Of course. Would tomorrow at 4:00 work?

Everyone: Yes.

- They leave and Allison burst out crying-

Connor: Ali it is going to be ok.

Allison: I don't want to lose Thomas.

Calum: I just wish that Thomas could live a better life. His life wasn't ideal in the shelter.

Allison: what happened?

Luke: Thomas was abused and they were going to put him down a minute after we got there. Luckily we saved him.

I took Thomas out of his crate and held on to him. I was going to be really sad when he is gone. On our way home I took a picture of Thomas and I knowing it would be the last one. Once we got home I put on my uniform then dad drove me to work. Once I got there I was making more food and serving customers. I then realized that Danielle got a job here.

Danielle: Hey!

Allison: Hey! When did you start working here?

Danielle: This is my first shift.

Allison: This is my second.

Cierra: Hey Allison! You are aloud to do anything now since your safety test got back.

Allison: Ok.

We had to make a batch of cupcakes so I went into the back to get started. I would only be here from 11:00 to 4:00. I grabbed the ingredients I needed and begun to make the cupcakes. My favorite thing to get here is the sugar cookies. Once the cupcake after was made I poured them into the muffin tins and put them in the oven.

( 2:00)

I only had 2 hours left of my shift. I was on my 15 minute break so I decided to but a cookie to eat. Danielle was also on her 15 minute break. Here at the bakery we didn't have that many employees. We have the owners Mr and Mrs.Voyale. Then the employees Cierra, Danielle, Zoe and I. Today it was just Cierra, Danielle and I. The bakery closed at 6:00 every day. 15 minutes later I went back to the cash register. Right now there was only one person. I went back to the owners office and left a note. I was asking for December 1st of so I could got to the Teen Choice Awards. Once I did that I went back out ot the front. There was no customers in the store. suddenly the ground began to shake.

Danielle: WE ARE HAVING AN EARTHQUAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all sat underneath a booth table and then I called my dad.

Ashton: Allison are you ok?

Allison: We are underneath a booth at the bakery. Are you guys good?

Ashton: Yeah. The 6 of us are in a spare room with no windows.

Allison: Ok.

Suddenly the ground stopped shaking. I ended the call asking him to pick up Danielle and I at 3. We were all leaving an hour early and Liam was busy. We got out from underneath and put the tables back where they belong. After that we went back to the kitchen. The mixing bowls all fell out of the cupboard. We washed the dishes that fell and put all of the equipment back in places. Once we cleaned up the store dad showed up. We got in the car and dropped Danielle off. We got home and all the boys hugged me.

Allison: Luke what the fuck happened to you.

I looked at his arm covered in bandages and blood.

Luke: Ceiling fan dropped on my arm.

Allison: Are you ok?

Luke: Yeah. 

- They cooked supper and then ate-

Allison: I'm going to bed. 

After saying goodnight to the boys I ran upstairs and got into my pyjamas. I immediately went to bed and fell asleep.

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