Suspension day 3

466 8 3

Allison's p.o.v

They boys have been gone for an hour now. they were recording for their cd. It was called Sounds Good Feels Good. I have heard most of the songs and I could already tell that the fans would love it. I was actually in the home studio. I was bored so I was going to drum. I am ok in drums but I don't think that I could ever play on stage. Suddenly the door flew open and in cmae 4 boys.

Ashton: You never told us that you were good on the drums.

Luke: When did you learn to play the drums?

Allison: I played the drums at school when i was younger.

Calum: What songs. Well I have only played the songs that you guy have showed me of sgfg.

Michael: We have an interview today and they want you to come.

Allison: Ok when is it?

Ashton: We have to go now.

Allison: Ok  will get dressed.

- She gets dressed and then gets into the car that is picking them up-

Luke: So there they will probably do your hair and makeup.

Allison: Ok.

- They get to the place and then start to get their hair and makeup on-

Interviewer: Ladies and gentlemen welcome 5 Seconds of Summer and Ashton's daughter Allison!

- The 5 of them walk out-

5SOS and Allison: Hello!

Interviewer: Hello! So today the fans will be asking you questions and then I will.

Fan: Hello!

5SOS: Hi!

Fan: I was just wonder when you decided to adopt. Also Allison you are awesome!

Allison: Thanks!

Ashton: So as you guys know I kind of grew up having to raise my brother and sister. So I kind of knew how to be a parent. That was when I decided I wanted to Adopt Allison. We drove from New York City to Miami for the show and that is when we adopted her.

Fan: So Malum?

Michael: Sorry. I have a girlfriend. But if you wanted to read about it I heard Wattpad has many stories.

Allison's p.o.v

The fans burst into laughter but I looked at Calum. I could tell he was trying not to cry. I was trying to comfort him but i know that Calum didn't want the fans to suspect something. about 10 minutes after the Interviewer starts to talk.

Interviewer: So can you guys tell us something about when this next Album is coming out?

Luke: Actually yes. SGFG is coming out December 15 the day before the Teen Choice Awards.

- The fans started to scream of joy-

Interviewer: So do you guys dating? Well we already know Michael is with Crystal. 

Luke: I was but we broke up.

Interviewer: Oh. Allison?

Allison: Yes actually. His name is Daniel and he is a really nice guy.

Interviewer: That is all the time we have today folks. Once again give a round of applause for 5SOS!

- They wave and then leave the place to go home- 

Allison: Cal are you ok?

Calum: Just great.

Allison: Hey lets go watch out for lunch. Just the 2 of us.

Calum: Ok.

- They tell the boys and then get in his car-

Calum: Where to Ali?

Allison: Subway?

Calum: Subway it is.

- They get in line and luckily no one notices who they are they then sit in a booth and eat-

Allison: So what time are we leaving tomorrow?

Calum: So at 4 AM we have to wake up. Then we have to be at the gate for 6. Then we have a 10 hour flight to Wembley. We will get there 2AM our time 12 PM Their time.

Allison: Ok.

- Calum and Allison take selfies together and post them to Twitter and Instagram-

Calum: So sorry about today at the interview.

Allison: Calum you didn't do anything wrong.

Calum: I know I just don't want to cry in front of our fans.

Allison: Calum you don't have to hide your feelings in fear from a group of people who love and support you.

Calum: I guess.

- She hugs him and then they go home-

Allison: Dad where is Thomas going to stay for the weekend?

Ashton: I actually didn't think about that. I guess we will have to call one of those places that take care of him.

Allison: Ok.

Michael: Ok Everybody go to bed because we have to get up at 4.

Luke: Mikey it's only 6:30 PM

Ashton: Allison we have t take Thomas now. I called.

Allison: Ok.

- She packs up a leash and a toy for a Thomas-

Ashton: Ok let's go.

- They put Thomas in the car and drive to the place-


Allison: Goodnight.

- She hugs her dad and then goes to bed-

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