The Plan

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Noah's p.o.v

I came up with a plan. Right now it was 2:00PM and their flight to Asia wasn't until 11:00 PM. I decided that I just needed to show up at her house and show them the video. It was Friday but we had our spare this period. I already showed the video to her friends so they are going to help me. I met up with her friends at the park and we walked to Allison's house. Leslie knocked on the door and Ashton opened it. I moved so Ashton could see me. He then started to punch me. Everyone came outside to see what was happening and the girls got Ashton off me. Before I was going to get beat up by anyone else i said that I had proof that I didn't cheat.

Allison: Noah what are you talking about?

Noah: Allison I love you and I would never cheat on you. When I got to school I was taken behind the school. Mia got 2 guys to hold a knife to my neck. Her friends filmed us making out. If I didn't do this she as going to kill the 4 of us. I did this for us.

Allison: I'm sorry. I should of talked to you before assuming things.

Noah: You don't  have to be sorry.

Ashton: We are going to the police now to report her.


Mia's p.o.v

I was in cheerleading practise and suddenly 5 cop cars pulled up to us. They walked up to me and arrested me and my friends. I don't know who found the camera but this was not good. I was taken to the police station and was put in a holding cell. My dad is a lawyer and will get me out of this. If he fails I have to go to juvie. I would also have to do community service. Just thinking of having to do community service makes me want to throw up. The whole cheerleading team and the 2 guys are also getting arrested. 


Noah's p.o.v

Right now I was at the police station. I was just being asked about what happened earlier today. When I was finished I went home. My mom an sister were asking me about what happened. I told them everything that happened today. It was late so I decided to go to bed.

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