Christmas Vacation Part 3 And 4

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Allison's p.o.v

Today was Christmas. I was excited. This will be my first Christmas with them. We rented a lounge in the lobby. We all took our presents downstairs and put them under the tree. We were allowed to move the couches so that's what we did. I gave everyone a hug and we began to open our stockings. I got lip chap, candy, socks, toothpaste, a toothbrush, gum, a bath bomb, money, perfume e.t.c. We all opened a present at a time together. I looked at the tag and it was from Michael. He got me clothes for the baby. I thanked him and we moved on. Next was from Connor her got me makeup brushes. Next was a gift from all the parents. They went through old baby clothes that dad, Calum, Michael and Luke had. They got the most  gender neutral stuff they could get. After was Calum. He got me gift cards for food and itunes. We have been going at it for half an hour so we took a break ot eat. it was lunch already because we slept in.  After lunch we opened up the rest of the presents. Altogether I got Charms for the charmbracelet I got on my birthday and a custom made 5sos sweater from dad. Hair elastics, and a hair curler from Luke, gift cards from Calum, makeup brushes from Connor and baby clothes from both Michael, Mali, Joy, Karen, Daryl, Liz, Andrew e.t.c. After we opened everything and just talked we decided to go to the beach to swim for a bit. I was tanning instead. For supper the restaurant had this big turkey dinner for everyone staying there today. Everyone ws tanning so I decided to call Noah.

Allison: Merry Christmas!

Noah: Merry Christmas to you too!

Allison: So how is your day going?

Noah: Great. My grandparents are coming today. I haven't seen them in a while. I still wish I could be there with you.

Allison: I wish you could be here too.

Noah: So what has been your favourite gift you got so far?

Allison: the boy's family gave me baby clothes from when they were pregnant. How about yours?

Noah: The favourite thing I got was an xbox from my mom. I was never expecting it.

Allison: Awesome!

Noah: My grandparents are here so I have to go.

Allison: Ok goodbye babe.

Noah: Goodbye Beautiful.

I hung up the phone and then decided to go swimming. We had a couple hours before supper.

***********************************************************************************************(The next Day)

Ashton's p.o.v

Today I had a surprise for Allison and Connor. Little mix were flying here to be with us for the last 3 days of the trip they were also bringing some more people. They were going to be here soon. I told Connor. Allison, Lauren, Harry and the boys to meet up in my room. The others were doing something else. Leigh-Anne texted me to tell them they were coming up. I then heard a knock on the door. Allison got up to get it and everyone screamed!

Allison's p.o.v

I couldn't believe what I saw when I opened the door. There was standing Jade, Perrie, Jesy and Leigh-Anne. As they came in I saw more people. Danielle, Leslie and Skyler were also here. I instantly ran out to hug them. I looked to my left to see Connor's boyfriend Nick. connor ran up to him and kissed him. The rest of the vacation was going to be awesome. We then turned around and looked at my dad.

Ashton:We have to get going because we are skydiving in half an hour.

Allison: Dad I can't go skydiving.

Ashton: Shit I completely forgot about that.

Allison: it's ok. Can I stand in the field where you guys go and record everyone?

Ashton: sure.

Ashton's p.ov

Everyone got ready to go and we got taxis to go t the place. Allison stood ready with her camera as we all jumped out of the planes. I went last. We did that for about half an hour. I felt bad that Allison couldn't join us but oh well. After jumping out of the plane we all decided to go out somewhere to have lunch. There was this market place where you could eat and get souvenirs.

Allison's p.o.v

We went to get lunch and go a bit of shopping. The girls and I walked into a store to look around. For Noah's Christmas present I was giving him pink sand. I asked him what he wanted for christmas and that is what he said. An hour later we went back to the hotel. They had christmas presents for us and we had stuff for them. Danielle, Skyler and Leslie handed me a box it was from all of them and 1D. I already gave them their presents before we left for Bermuda. They got me pink converse. I hugged them all and then Little mix handed me over a tiny box. When I opened it there was 4 tickets for their concert and 4 vip passes. In May the girls and I are going to see Little Mix in concert. We would be backstage. We were all excited. This Christmas was the best one I have ever had. There was no fighting and everyone was happy. 

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