Teen Choice Awards

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Allison's p.o.v

Today was the teen choice awards. Sadly I still had to work. If I was going to make it I would have to take a taxi straight from the bakery to the award show. It would be a 30 minute taxi ride. Once I get there I would have 30 minutes to get ready. Today I was only working from 3-6. It was december so this was when all the christmas themed desserts were being sold. I was in the back icing cookies and making bread. Danielle wa telling me how Oliva was really getting depressed about her situation. He treated her like shit and now every bit of self esteem she has is gone. She was even thinking about to not go on in the competition. Luckily we told her she didn't have a voice and that her voice was great. At school she stopped eating lunch. She would say she had a big breakfast but Danielle said she had a single piece of toast every day. We seriously needed to talk to her. As I was icing the cookies I got a call. My taxi would be 10 minutes late. Great now I only had 20 minutes to get ready. Guess I am doing my makeup in the taxi. ********************************************************

I jumped into the taxi and told her where to go. I then immediately started to do my makeup. Once it was complete I waited for her to get me there. I then paid her and ran. Dad was waiting at the door so the guards would let me in and not think I was a crazy fan. Since the sow didn't start 1D, Little Mix all of my friends and them my family were backstage. I then put my dress on and then let the stylist curl my hair.

 I then put my dress on and then let the stylist curl my hair

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Allison: Ok let's go.

We walked to our seats and then Olivia and Leslie stayed backstage. They were the first award.

Speaker: Welcome Olivia Payne and Leslie Tomlinson to the stage!

Olivia and Leslie: Hello Everyone!

People: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Olivia: How is everyone tonight!!!!!!

People: Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leslie: Here are your nominees!

The girls and I could all tell Olivia was forcing a smile and was not happy up there.

- The speaker reads off the nominees-

Olivia and Leslie: Choice Music Love Song goes to Perfect by One Direction!

-The song played and then the boys came to the front for the award and their speech-

So about halfway through it as Skyler and I's turn to go up. We walked onto the stage and everyone cheered.

Speaker: Welcome Skyler Horan and Danielle Payne to the stage!

Danielle and Skyler: Hello Everyone!

People: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danielle: Thank you to the people who let us present these awards!

Skyler: Here are your nominees!

- The speaker reads off the nominees-

Danielle and Skyler: Your Choice Music Breakout Artist is Little Mix.

Salute began to play as the girls came up to get their award. They said their speech as we sat down.

Ashton: This isn't a good time to ask but do you want to hide it from paparazzi?

Allison: Everyone will eventually start to see a difference in my weight so when I am asked I will tell the truth.

Ashton: Ok.

Allison: Connor we have to go.

- They go backstage and Allison goes over everything Connor has to say-

Speaker: Welcome Allison and Connor Payne to the stage!

Allison and Connor: Hello Everyone!

People: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Allison: So are you having fun!!!!!!!

People: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Connor: Here are your nominees!

- The speaker reads off the nominees-

Allison and Connor: The award for Choice Fandom Group goes to 5 Seconds of Summer!

- They came on stage and hugged them before saying their speech-


Luke: First we would like to start off with thanking our parents. If they never let us move to England we would not be here today.

Michael: I would like to thank all of the producers, writes e.t.c that has helped us write both albums. Without you we would not have an album.

Calum: I would like to thank our amazing fans. You guys are what make us get up everyday to make these songs and share them with you.

Ashton: This year has been amazing. We have wrote the second album, released 2 singles. we have 2 beautiful kids and SOUNDS GOOD FEELS GOOD IS COMING OUT TOMORROW MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every person in the stadium started to scream in excitement. We all did a group hug and then we left the stage. The award show was over. Someone they knew were hosting an after party at their mansion. We all decided to go. When we got their the girls and I decided to dance. Malum went straight to the alcohol. half an hour later I turned around and what I saw was the birth of Malum. They were on the table kissing. I decided to take a selfie on snapchat with them kissing in the background. The caption was I told you so and #Malum. Once I took the picture I saved it to my phone but I didn't post it to snapchat. I then walked over to Luke.

Allison: I believe you owe me $20 Luke.

Luke: Oh my god it's happening.

- They run to the table to see them making out-

Luke: Here.

Michael: By the way we are dating now.

Allison: I could tell when I was taking a picture with you guys making out in the background.

- She shows them the picture and the blush-

Ashton: We should go home now.

I said goodbye to everyone and then we left. I was driving us home. Once we got home I went to bed.

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