Football Game

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I heard the car pull up to the driveway and then walked out I then got into the car.

Daniel: Hey.

Allison: Hey.

Daniel: Are you still mad?

Allison: A bit.

Daniel: Allison I told you. Julia did it without my consent.

Allison: Exactly why you should get her arrested. Anyway what school are you playing against?

Daniel: I don't pay attention to that.

Allison: Ok.

- They get to the school and Daniel goes into the locker room while Allison finds her friends on the bleachers-

Danielle: Hey you made it!

Allison: Yeah.

Olivia: It's not fair that Julia gets to come back on school grounds.

Allison: Yeah but its whatever.

Emma: Hey guys! Allison you came!

Allison: Yeah!

Emma: I thought you were suspended?

Allison: I was allowed to see the game because I already bought a ticket before the suspension.

Emma: Ok. We are about to perform so see you guys later.

Girls: Bye!

- The cheerleaders do their routine and then they sit down while the athletes come running out and start the game-

(1 hour and 19 minutes later)

Skyler: Look! there is 1 minute left and they are tied.

Leslie: Will he get it in the net.

(10 seconds left)

Daniel was dribbling the ball to the other teams net while everyone was chanting Daniel's name. There was 2 seconds left and then Daniel kicked the ball making it fly into the net. The Wolves won the game. Everyone started cheering again and then the game ended. The girls go home and then Allison meets Daniel outside of the locker room.

Allison: You did great!

Daniel: Thanks babe.

- He kisses her-

Allison: Daniel?

Daniel: Yes babe?

Allison: Let's do it?

Daniel: Right now? Ok.

- They walk back to his car and both get in the back-


Allison's p.o.v

After that we put all of our clothes back on and headed to the pizza place where the team was celebrating. Luckily the pizza just came out of the oven. We then sat down and ate. It was about 8:00 when we left. Daniel drove me home. I walked into the house and saw dad playing cod with Luke. I saw Thomas and played with him. He needed to go to the bathroom so I put him on his leash and grabbed $5.00. I walked around while Thomas did his stuff. I took the bag I brought and picked it up throwing it in the public garbage can. I walked more and got to the convenience store. I tied Thomas up to the pole and went inside. I grabbed a cream soda and a kitkat. I then went to the counter and paid. I got my stuff and went back outside. I got Thomas and then we went home. I went to my bedroom and got into my pj's. I then put my hair up into a messy bun. I opened the door for Thomas. He came in and jumped on my bed. I grabbed my laptop and started to watch a movie. After I finished the movie I plugged my phone in to charge and fell asleep.

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