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Allison's p.o.v

In an hour we were going to get Connor. I had my work uniform on because I had work right after this. The boys took a picture of me in my work uniform and then we went to the adoption center. It was weird being here. Once dad signed the papers we got into the car and left.

Ashton: Allison this is your new brother Connor.

Connor: Hey!

Allison: Hey! I'm Allison but everyone calls me Ali.

Connor: Cool I'm Connor.

On the way to work Connor and I talked. I knew already that we would be a great brother and sister to each other. Before I went to work we took a family photo and then I walked inside.

Cierra: Hello you must be Allison.

Allison: That's me!

Cierra: My name is Cierra. I am showing you how to do everything today.

Allison: Ok.

Cierra: Well Allison here is your name tag.

 I took my name tag and clipped it onto my apron.

Cierra: So do you have the papers back that need to be signed?

Allison: Here you go.

- She hands her the papers-

Cierra: Ok so you can not use the oven, wash knives or slice bread. 

Allison: Ok.

Cierra: So we have to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies because we are running out. What you do is take the prepackaged dough and put them into balls. They will flatten when cooked. We need to make 2 dozen. So you do that and I will be back. Also we wear these hairnets at all times.

After Cierra left I grabbed 2 baking sheets and began too roll the dough and put the cookies onto the tray. After I finished both trays Cierra walked back in and put them into the oven.

Cierra: So all customers come to the counter and we serve them there. Then they sit down. I will be showing you how to use the cash register.

Allison: We have a customer.

Cierra: So remember what i told you to say.

Allison: Hello welcome to Sugar Cafe.

Customer: Hi. Could I get 2 chocolate dip donuts and 1 chocolate chip muffin?

I put the items into the cash register giving her the total. She paid and then I went to get her order.

Cierra: You are a pro already.

Allison: So are the cookies done?

Cierra: Yep. They are cooling.

Allison: So what else are we suppose to do?

Cierra: Well there is an order we need to do.

I went to the back and looked at the piece of paper. I then got out the ingredients and started to bake with Cierra. It was a 2 layered vanilla cake with dyed blue icing. The order also requested to write Happy Birthday in white icing. Once the 2 cakes were baked we let them sit to cool. At that time we put out the chocolate chip cookies.

Cierra: Ok so the break room is back there. You can go on a 15 minute break.

I walked back to the break room. There was another employee there. I had nothing to do so I texted my dad. After my 15 minutes was up I went back to the kitchen where Cierra was.


The person was coming to pick up their cake soon. We were just writing happy birthday on it. We found a box that was big enough to put the cake in. When the customer arrived he paid for the cake and then left.

Cierra: Next we have to make dough for the bread.

Allison: I'll get the recipe book.

I got the book and opened it up to the right page. We then gathered all of the ingredients that we needed. Once the dough was made we let it rise for 45 minutes.

Cierra: Well it is lunch time for you.

Allison: Ok.

I grabbed my wallet and left the place. There was a subway down the street. There were fans staring at me. Hey at least the bakery would get a lot of business. I grabbed my sub and then walked into the break room to eat it. Once my lunch was over I headed back out. I had 2 more hours of work. The dough rose so I put it into the bread pans. Cierra told me by tomorrow I can use anything. While the bread baked I caught up on dishes.


I was done my shift. I wen to the back and punched out. Dad was outside waiting for me so I quickly ran outside and got into the car.

Ashton: How was work?

Allison: Great. I made a new friend. Her name is Cierra.

Ashton: Does she go to your school?

Allison: No. She graduated last year.

Ashton: Ok.

Allison: So how is Connor?

Ashton: Great! He is just really happy to be out of the adoption center and into a home.

Allison: Are we doing anything for Thanksgiving?

Ashton: Well we have my mom, sister and brother. Calum's mom and sister. Michael's mom and dad. Luke's mom, dad and brothers and I think that is it.

Allison: So 17 people.

Ashton: Yeah.

- They go home and then Allison talks to Connor more.

Connor: I just have to tell everyone something. It might get me kicked out but at least I am telling the truth.

Ashton: What is it?

Connor: I'm gay.

Ashton: I would never kick you out Connor and I fully support you.

Connor: Thanks. It's just the previous times I was adopted I was taken back and beaten because of it.

Ashton: Well I assure you that will never happen as long as you are living in this house.

Then Connor began to cry. He has never been accepted and this was the first time someone has loved and supported him. We all hugged him and then ate supper.

Allison: I'm gonna take a shower and then go to bed.

Everyone: Goodnight.

It was funny that I was still the only girl in the house. I think the boys would have a better bonding with Connor than me. They all like video games I don't. They like other things that I don't find interesting. Oh well I know they still love me even if we are complete opposites. I got  into my shower and after went to bed. There was something off. I think they don't like Daniel. Every time I say his name or go somewhere with him they give me permission but it is almost like they don't want to. I stopped thinking about it and just went to bed.

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