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Allison's p.o.v

I got up and got dressed. I then grabbed my essay putting it into my binder. Once I put my binder into my backpack I picked up Thomas and went downstairs. I tried feeding thomas but he didn't eat. At least the bag of dog food was now empty. I ate my eggo pancakes and then went to the bus. I was talking to all of the girls. Olivia seemed off. She wasn't her excited happy self. I looked at her and asked her whats wrong.

Olivia: Hudson broke up with me last night.

Hudson was Olivia's 3 year relationship. She really loved him but he broke up with her. She was heartbroken. 1D fans were also giving her a lot of hate. 

Allison: Well screw him. He was not good enough to be with a girl as beautiful as you.

Olivia: Thanks. We were fighting last night. He as telling me about how I was to good enough to date anyone. Or that I was not good enough to be alive.

I was pissed. The second I got off that bus I stormed down the hall and found him I pushed him into the locker. 

Allison: I swear to god if you ever say anything rude to Olivia again I will kill you.

Hudson: Well hey at least my relationship was not a bet.

Allison: What are you talking about?

Hudson: We bet Daniel $1000 to date you for 4 months and to have sex with you twice. he just has until December 6th to go.

That was it I slapped Hudson across the face. I then stormed away to find Daniel. What the fuck. We only had sex once in santa Monica. When was the second time?

Daniel: Hey babe how are you?

Allison: Our relationship is a bet?

Daniel: No! What the ell are you talking about?

Allison: I just confronted Hudson about Oliva and he went off telling me the bet!

Daniel: I promise everything he said was a lie. I would never hurt you babe.

I walked away after apologizing for yelling at him. Funny thing is he thinks that I believe him. To be honest I believe what Hudson said. I got drunk on Halloween. Last thing I remembered was being in his bedroom. I decided to go to class. We were presenting Essays. About half an hour later it was my dturn. I walked up to the front of the classroom with my paper and started.

To be completely honest I don't know what I want to do once I graduate high school. There are so many options out there. It is hard knowing all of my friends and my boyfriend know what they want to do in life when I don't. I would have to take into consideration about what my boyfriend wants to do. I know that after highschool I want to move to New York City. Whether it be for college or just to live there. So far I have thought about going to school for Culinary Arts. I would like to own a cafe/ bakery with my friend Danielle. I also have the option to make music. I have recorded a song that will be on Itunes but I am not sure if traveling is what I want to do right now. In a couple of months I will get the experience of traveling the world but I am not sure if I would keep on doing it all the time. I could become a gamer and make youtube videos. Another thing I have to take into consideration are children. I would like to have a child in my early twenties but I don't know if my boyfriend would agree with that. For all I know he doesn't even want children. I have to be supportive of his dreams but at the same time I have to follow mine. Maybe in 2 year when I graduate I will make up my mind but for now I am happy where I am.

The class then began to clap. I handed the teacher my essay and sat down.


School ended and it was time to go home. I put my stuff in my locker and walked to the bus. I was then stopped.

Daniel: Hey.

Allison: What do you want now Daniel?

Daniel Do you actually believe what Hudson said?

Allison: This isn't about what Hudson said it is about you.

Daniel: Ok here is the truth. It was a bet. But I am really in love with you.

Allison: Ok then what actually happened at that Halloween party?

Daniel: What do you mean?

Allison: I was drunk. The last thing I remember was you dragging me to your bedroom and me saying no.

Daniel: I can't believe what you are saying Ali. Are you accusing me of rape?

Allison: Daniel. Did you rape me at that party?

Daniel: No. You were drunk and tired so I let you sleep in my room. We never had sex.

Allison: Ok.

- They kiss and she gets onto the bus-

Skyler: Hey!

Allison: Hey.

Leslie: What were the 2 of you talking about?

Allison: I think he is not telling me the truth.

Olivia: Hey Ali thanks for what you did today.

Allison: No problem. I don't want to see you like this.

- They talk until they are all dropped off-

Ashton: Hey.

Allison: Hey.

Ashton: Ready to go.

Allison: Sure.

- They load up all of the pet stuff to give to a shelter for free-

We got into the car and drove to the shelter. We gave them our pet stuff and then left. We then arrived to the vet.

Vet: Hello!

Allison: What?

Vet: Oh sorry.

- They go to a room and put Thomas on a table-

Vet: I am going to give him something that will slow his breathing down. In a couple minutes his heart will stop.

Ashton: Allison are you ready.

Allison: yeah. I don't want Thomas to be in pain.

- He gives Thomas the shot and then Allison holds him as he dies-

Once Thomas died we took him and left. We were burying him when we got home. Thomas's favorite tree was in the back. All he would do is sit there and hide form the shade. We had him in a box so all we had to do was dig. When we got home that is what we did. an hour later Thomas was underground. We went back inside after to eat. It would never be the same without Thomas

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