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Allison's p.o.v

Today was my date with Noah. I was really excited. It was lunch and I was making everyone blt's. Once I finished making the sandwiches we ate and told them that I was going skating tonight. Today they had to go to an interview. Connor and i decided to stay home. connor then invited Nick over. I decided that I was going to invite the girls over.


Once everyone was over we decided to watch tv in my room. I had 6 hours until he would be here. They were also helping me decide what to wear tonight. I decided on Black skinny jeans and a red and green sweater. I was then going too curl my hair and do my makeup. As we were doing my hair the boys came back and Nick had to go. Dad and Luke walked into my room to see how we were doing. They also bought all of us coffee from Starbucks. We thanked them and then continued with my hair. Once it was finished I got dressed and then walked back into the room. the girls had to leave so I started to do my makeup I already had primer, concealer, and foundation on so I had to do my lips and eyes. I grabbed m eyeshadow and began. Once I finished doing that I added mascara and eyeliner. Now i was going through my red lipsticks. I had one that matched my shirt and I couldn't find it anywhere. I then walked into my bathroom to see it on the counter. I grabbed it and put it on. Now my makeup was finished.

Noah's p.o.v

It was 6:30 and I was still trying to ask my friend to borrow his car. I have no way for us to go ice skating. I don't even have enough cash on me to get a taxi. I only have debit. It was 6:55 so I left and walked to her house. She is the nicest person I have ever met. I hope she likes me the way I like her. I just think that there is something she is not telling me. Once I got to her house I knocked on the door and she opened it. I walked inside and said hello to everyone.

Noah: Um Allison I have a problem. I was not able to get a car and we might have to walk.

Allison: It's ok we can take my skateboard.

Noah: Ok.

Allison: Dad I'll be back around 10:30.

Ashton: Ok have fun! But not too much fun!

We left and Allison opened the garage. Wow I was falling in love with her more every second. Since Allison was the one who knew how to skateboard. I got on and then he got on. 

Allison's p.o.v

I had to hold him so he wouldn't fall off. It took us about 15 minutes to get there. Once we were there I hid my skateboard around the corner so no one would steal it. This was my first time skating and I was scared of falling. So when we paid for our skates we put them on and went out. The second I touched the ice I fell over flat on my stomach. I was worried that it would hurt my baby but it wasn't a hard fall. Noah helped me back up and we begun to skate. I kept on falling so he held my hand the whole time. Right now it was about 8:00. We both didn't have super so we decided to get food from the little restaurant here. The floor was made so we didn't have to take off our skates. Once we ordered our food we found a table and sat down. We were talking about random things. I could tell he wanted to ask me something and then he did.

Noah: Allison is there something you are not telling me?

Allison: About what?

Noah: I have been hearing around school that some guy got you pregnant.

Allison: I'll tell you everything. My ex boyfriend Daniel raped me on halloween. Later on I had morning sickness but I thought it was the flue. I didn't remember that Daniel raped me at first because I was really drunk. I then confronted him about it and he told me  he never loved me and it was a bet. So I broke up with him. The reason I didn't tell you was because I didn't want you to feel different of me. I really like you but I don't want to bring the pressure of being a dad. It is time consuming. We are only 16 and I don't want to destroy your future.

Noah: Allison I don't care if the baby is biologically mine or not. I will still love it no matter what. Allison will you be my girlfriend?

Allison: Yes!

We then got back on the ice. I can't believe we are dating now! What would life be like if I didn't run over him in the park? I'm just excited that I get to raise this baby with the person I love. We spent the rest of the night driving around before I had to go home. Once we reached my house he got out of the car and opened my door for me. He then grabbed my hand helping me out.

Noah: I had a fun time tonight how about you?

Allison: Yeah we should do this more often.

Noah: Well now that we are dating we can.

He kissed me and then I walked back inside.

Calum: So how did it go?

Allison: Awesome! I told him the truth about my baby and he wants to be the father.

Ashton: Now he's a keeper.

Allison: Well the final competition is tomorrow so I had to sleep.

5SOS: Goodnight!

I went to my room and got into my pj's I then brushed my teeth and went to bed.

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