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Allison's p.o.v

It was 2:55. Perrie, Leigh-Anne and Jade were already at the house. In 5 minutes Jesy was coming to pick us up. Once the bell rang we ran to our lockers putting away our stuff. We then walked outside looking for Jesy's car. We got in and then went to Starbucks. We got everyone a drink. When we got there we got into our outfit for the auditions.

 When we got there we got into our outfit for the auditions

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Perrie: Ok so everyone follow our lead.

- They do the dance moves for How Ya Doin-

Leigh-Anne: How you guys are really good. You didn't even mess up!

Jade: Ok. Now let's do Lightning.

- They do the song-

Jesy: Ok. This song might take a bit of time because the dance moves are really fast. You guys are just a bit out of sync with the song. We have another dance for that song if you want.

Allison: We are ok with this one. Let's just practice again.

- They do it again and get it almost perfect-

Perrie: Great! You guys are totally ready for auditions.

Girls: Thanks!

- Little Mix leaves and then the girls order pizza for supper-

Ashton: Allison are the girls sleeping over tonight?

Allison: If it is ok with you.

Ashton: Of course. Pizza will be here in 10 minutes.

Allison: At least this time we don't need to build a blanket for because Emma isn't here.

Ashton: Yeah.

- The pizza comes and then everyone eats supper-

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