Kidnapped Part 5

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Allison's p.o.v

Since I have been caught my dad has kept on watching me constantly. I had to come up wit a new plan. In My bedroom under the bed I saw a lever. I pulled it up and there was a hidden room. My bed is in the way so I would have to move it to open it wide enough but I have to do it the second he is not watching me. I had to shower so we walked to the bathroom. While i showered he stood outside the door waiting for me to come out. I came out in a towel. We then walked to my room and he waited for me to get dressed. I was actually already dressed and prepared to leave. I grabbed my bag and moved the bed as quietly as I could. I then opened the door. I put the bed back overtop and closed it. Once I was down here I grabbed my flashlight. I turned it on and almost screamed. He killed my supposedly sister and left her down here. I immediately threw up.I waked until I reached something. I opened it and it was a door to go outside. I ran as fast as I could away from the house. I then found my phone on the ground. It was shattered. I grabbed my phone and kept on running. I was already way too tired. 

Ashton's p.o.v

It has been days and Ashlyn still won't say anything about where Allison is. We were out looking for  her again. We were hoping that we would find her today. Our management is shit and is making us go on a worldwide tour while Allison is still missing. If we don't go and stay for Allison our career is over. I would obviously choose Ali over the band any day but I have 2 kids to support. We stopped where the signal was last seen but there was nothing here. We got back into the car and drove around for a bit. It was already really dark out. We were driving really slow looking everywhere. Suddenly we heard someone screaming.

Allison's p.o.v

I kept on walking and  then heard someone coming. He found me again. He grabbed me and I began to punch him. He fell to the ground and I kept on running. I heard a car. I was screaming as loud as I possibly could. I then saw the car. I ran up to it seeing my family. Before they could get out t hug me I opened the door and got in.

Allison: He found me trying to escape go as fast as you can.

Ashton: We are going to the police station right now.

As we were driving to the police station I told them everything. I was just really glad I am back with my family and friends. We went to the police station since we had an address now. We also saved the person he thought was his wife. He was being charged with murder, kidnapping, abuse e.t.c. Ashlyn was being put in jail for helping him. We got home and I walked in. Luke called everyone not telling them they found me. I decided t go to my room. I haven't slept in this bed for so long. I called because I needed a prenatal appointment. everyone got here and then Luke came up to my room. He was going to go downstairs and then I was going to walk out. So that is exactly what I did. I ran downstairs and hugged everyone. 

Leslie: Wait how long ago was this?

Allison: I just got home maybe 10 minutes ago.

Ashton: Hey Noah will be here any minute.

I really missed Noah. I was excited to see him. suddenly the doorbell rang. I opened it and kissed him.

Noah: Oh my god!

Allison: I missed you!

Noah: Wait when did they find you?

Allison: A couple hours ago. We just got home.

Noah: I can't believe your back.

Noah's p.o.v

I hugged Allison a million times and then asked her about everything. I then realized what could of happened to our baby.

Allison: I booked an appointment for tomorrow at 11:00.

 Noah: I'll be here at 10:30 then.

Allison: Ok.

Noah I was thinking you are 19 weeks so do you want to know the gender?

Allison: I was thinking we could have a gender reveal party. The doctor could fill a box with that have helium for us.

Noah: Ok.

Allison: It's February first and I go on tour on the 15th so how about the reveal on the 5th?

Noah: I'll start with invitations then.

Allison: Great

Eventually when everyone went home I said goodnight to everyone and went to bed.

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