Kidnapped Part 4

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Allison's p.o.v

I have been here for almost a month now. I really miss the boys. Everyday since I have been kidnapped I try to figure out how to escape. Today was the day. There is a small window that wouldn't budge but I kept on trying to open it everyday. It finally opened enough for me to get through. I haven't had much to eat since I was here so I hope my baby is still alive. anyway I got dressed and found a plastic bag. I then searched the house for my phone that he took when I got here. It was 11:00 PM and everyone was going to bed. I was really hungry. Going at night was the only way I could get food and not be caught. I filled the bag with the minimal food there was. I then used the bobby pin in my hair and unlocked the knife cupboard. I needed protection if anything goes wrong. Last week we were told that we would be moving houses eventually. Anyway I went back to my room and went to the window. The drive here was about an hour so I have no clue how far away I am. It would take a day to walk back. So I put on my shoes got dressed and jumped out of the window. I began to run. We were what looked to be the middle of nowhere. I was tired and I had no idea what direction to go in. I turned on my phone to see that I had 5% battery left. I immediately called dad. He picked up.

Ashton: Allison!

Allison: Dad I escaped but I don't know where to go.

Ashton: How much battery do you have?

Allison: 5%. Now 4.

Ashton: Put your location on and turn the brightness down to save battery.

Allison: Ok.

I hung up and did what dad told me to. I also used my data and looked at my location. There was a road and I needed to find it. I put my phone in my pocket and ran. Suddenly I bumped into something. It was my dad. He took my phone throwing it on the ground. He then tied me up and brought me back to the house. He was angry. Once we got back he threw me on the ground and started to yell at me. I got up and went back to my room.

Noah's p.o.v

I was really missing Allison. Every night I would go out and  search for her. Everyone at school are making up rumors that I obviously keep on shutting down. Her friends look lonely at lunch  and just sad. Her dad is not happy at all. He thinks that he will never see her again. I grabbed my lunch and sat at the table with the girls. Then Daniel walked up to me. 

Daniel: Looks like Allison ran away. She was probably kidnapped for publicity.

Noah: If you don't leave me the fuck alone I will beat you up.

Daniel: Allison always liked me more than you anyway.

Noah: Meet me behind the school fourth period and we will see who deserves Allison.

Daniel: Great! This will be easy.

Danielle: Noah you are not actually going to go through with this right?

Noah: Of course I am.

Skyler: You know that if Ali was here she would not want you to do this right?

Noah: Relax guys I am doing this because I love her.

Leslie: Ok then.


Ashton's p.o.v

We called the police and they were able to track the signal. She was an hour away from here. Suddenly her location stopped showing. She might of been caught again by her dad. I  began to freak out. I looked over to Ashlyn and she got a call. She walked to another room and I got iff the couch. It was after supper so I was doing dishes. I then overheard someone talk.

Ashlyn: What do you mean she escaped? Did you get her back?

Jack: Yeah. She is passed out in her room.

Ashlyn: Great.

Jack: How is Ashton?

Ashlyn: Crying a lot. So what are you going to do to her? Kill her?

Jack: No she needs to give birth first.

Ashlyn: So you want the baby not her?

Jack: Well she hates me so I need to have something to remind me of her.

Ashton: Shit. 

I ran upstairs after getting everything recorded. 

Michael: What is it.

Ashton: Ashlyn is part of the kidnaping of Allison. She was just on the phone with her dad. He wants to wait for Ali to give birth to take the baby.

Luke: Follow me.

Luke's p.o.v

We didn't really have a plan on kicking her out but if she tried anything we are strong enough to get her out. We walked into the kitchen and Ashton: Started to talk.

Ashton: I overheard everything you said to that asshole on the phone. Where is my daughter?!

Ashlyn: Sorry babe can't tell you.

Ashton: Get the fuck out of my house now!

Ashlyn: But babe!

Ashton: Now!!

Ashlyn: Fine but if you call the police Allison is dead.

She left the house and we called the police. If Ashlyn is in jail she can't contact Jack. That way he won't know that we know. The police got the information and took her in for questioning. Ashlyn was going to jail.

Calum: So we just need her to give out the location and we could get her back.

Michael: Well I am not sitting around waiting for that psyco to give out answers. WSe saw the location before it went out so lets go

We got into the car and began to drive. Where Allison was last was an hour away most likely at some small cabin in the woods. We really need to find her.

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