Unknown Caller

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Allison's p.o.v

Today when I woke up I had a pounding headache. I should not of drank so much last night. Dad was going to kill me and so where my uncles. I heard the door open and it was Calum.

Calum: Hey I brought you so aspirin and water.

I thanked Calum and then took the pills and water.

Allison: So are you mad at me?

Calum: None of us are mad at you. You are 16 already. We knew it was going to happen at the party. That's what high school parties are for.

Allison: I'm pretty sure dad thinks parties are for friends to hang out and not to drink and do drugs.

Ashton: Did I just hear drugs.

Allison: Ugh. Yes there were drugs at the party but I was no where near them.

Ashton: Ok. Then why the aspirin?

Allison: I might of drank a lot last night.

Ashton: What the hell Ali!

Allison: Dad what did you think? It is a party.

Ashton: I thought you were going to hang out with friends.

Allison: No that's just what your mom told you to keep you away from parties.

- Calum burst out laughing-

Ashton: Whatever.

My headache still hurt a lot but I was able to go downstairs. Luke was making breakfast for everyone. I helped him with the bacon. When it was finished the 5 of us sat around the table and ate. I then heard a ring. My phone was connected to my speaker upstairs so all text I get I can hear the sound from downstairs. It was probably just Daniel. After I finished eating I went upstairs and grabbed my phone. I then checked who texted me. It said get out and it was from an unknown caller. I just decided to delete the text and forget about it. As I was about to delete it I got another text saying get out of L.A you don't belong here. Instead of deleting my text I texted back and texted back saying Julia leave me alone. I didn't know if it was her but she was at the party last night and I set my phone down while I went to the bathroom. She must of put her number in my phone. I then grabbed my phone and went downstairs to how Ashton.

Ashton: You should just delete it and not worry about it.

Michael: Yeah but if you delete it and need it later on for proof than you wont have it.

Luke: Yeah.

Ashton Ok don't delete it then. Just keep on telling us if this happens again.

Allison: I will.

That's when I got my third text. It said This is someone you never thought you would see again but surprise. We will meet again one day I miss you Alli. I then dropped my phone. The only person in my life who ever called me Alli with 2 l's was my step dad. He was so nice to me but let my dad be an asshole to me. To be honest I missed him but I don't want to see him.

Jeff what do you want? A

Is this Alli? J

No shit A

I want to see you again. I haven't seen you in over 8 years. J

Had the chance but you let dad send me to an Orphanage I have a dad and 3 uncles now and I would never change it A

Alli please I am your step dad J 

No you are a person who came into my life because the person my mom was killed and you know she did not commit suicide. Did you know dad broke out of jail? A

I know I will never replace your mom and I never wanted to hurt you like that. Also WHAT J

Yep A

Well please think of meeting up again and stay safe J

I won't and ok A

I then blocked the number and set my phone down. I did not need him back in my life. In an hour I was being left home alone while they go out for a photo shoot. Perfect time to sleep.

Ashton: Bye Ali. We will be back.

Allison: McDonald's?

Ashton: Sure.

- They leave and Allison falls asleep-

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