Kraang droids flooded into the room in a split second, there must've been at least a five hundred no, a thousand Kraang droids. We were severely outnumbered, and we were loosing the battle quickly.

Then, everything went into a sudden slow motion when "(y/n)! Watch out!"

Donnie's figure ran in front of me, as a barrage of shots from one of the Kraang, he twirled his Bo-staff to deflect the shots, but missed two of them, causing him to cry out in pain and collapse to the ground.

Everything suddenly stopped, as if time just stopped, everything around me becoming a blur, the voices of the turtle brothers cries for Donnie were muffled.

Rage, no, fury bubbled inside me as I stared at Donnie's limp body in shock . My whole body burned, my breathing getting faster by the second, white, glowing stripes emerged onto my body, twirling around my arms and legs, rising like cracks up to my face.

I shut my eyes tightly and yelled in rage, a large blinding light bursting around me.

[Raph's POV]

I squinted and wrapped my arm around my eyes, my brothers doing the same, shielding our eyes from the light.

Once the light dispersed, we removed our arms from our eyes, only to see (y/n), whose skin was layered with glowing rune marks and swirls, long, sharp hand claws twitching with rage. Short, thick horns spiralled from her head. Her eyes glowing bright white. But it was as if her face had morphed with her teeth, since her skin on her lips had turned to sharp knashing fangs. Her form being five time larger then everyone else.

Her appearance... Frightened everyone, including the Kraang. It was as if she turned into this oversized demonic like creature.

Mikey spoke first "(y-y/n)? What's happened to you?!"

She didn't speak a word, nor did she move an inch, just breathed heavily with fury. I felt so sorry for Mikey, he looked absolutely terrified to the core, we all kinda did in a sense, seeing our friend suddenly change took us all by surprise.

All the Kraang droid suddenly aimed their guns at (y/n), the man droid speaking in an ordering tone "that girl is experiment 375X! The same experiment that disappeared all those years ago!! Knock her out immediately!!"

In a split second, their ammo was let loose, the sound of whistling bullets hitting her repeatedly rung through our ears. That seemed to trigger her into action, the glowing white changed colour to a deep reddish black, she sprung forward and unleashed her wrath onto them.

She did not hold back, nor did her movement faulter. The Kraang droid's seemed to back away, almost as if they were scared of her. A thunderous roar erupted from her throat, as she continued to wreek havoc onto the Kraang droids.

The man droid looked at his comrades in disappointment "don't falter! Continue our attack!!" he ordered.

As soon as they started firing again, (y/n) completely lost it, she roared an earpiercing scream like roar, getting higher in pitch the longer she had her mouth open and the longer it went. Everyone grabbed at their ears in pain, since the Kraang droids couldn't feel pain, they were fine, but there robotic bodily functions started to go out of wack.

Their bodies sparked and fizzled, making weird whooping noises. A few of them exploding or shutting down, the brain Kraang squealing as they scattered away.

The Man Droid swiftly kicked (y/n) in the side of the head, causing her head to flick to a hard left - her form falling onto her side. She snarled, digging her claws into the tiles, hissing at the Man Droid.

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