Chapter 34: To the last breath part 1

Start from the beginning

Harriet walks up behind Carlos and mutters the spell.
"Beware, beware the mind's guide,
That will leave you into overdrive.
Make sure I take over the mind,
So I'm not that blind!" Harriet said.
Carlos turned to her and gasped, his eyes turned Harriet's blue eyes.
Ben slowly walked towards Carlos, leaving the concentrating, closed eyed Harriet.
Carlos' laugh was heard.
"...oh no you don't I won't stand for this, STOP IT!" Carlos hissed.
"What's happening? Speak to me" Ben asked.
"He's fighting me, I can't hold him for long" Harriet said through Carlo's body.
"What do I do?" Ben asked.
Carlos' body turned towards a book on the bench.
"The ingredients...I can see them, I can read them out" Harriet said through him again.
Ben nods and moves towards the crates where ingredients were.
"Powdered moonstone...argh...mermaid tears, distilled mystical sands, mandrake roots, cheese-"
"Cheese? Seriously?" Ben asked, as he was grabbing the ingredients.
"Don't judge magic!..argh!" Harriet's voice said.
"I won't let you take brother's work!" Carlos snapped.
Carlos yelled, making Ben snap his head towards Carlos.
His eyes are now Harriet's colour again.
"Earwax, unicorn hair and the emerald!" Harriet finished.

Ben hurries Everything to a massive caldron which already had water in it. The caldron glows as Ben got a potion bottle. Ben fills up the bottle to reveal the now formed green-blue potion.
Harriet's control over Carlos faded, making Harriet's eyes snap open and Carlos' green eyes narrow.
Carlos' raised his arms at Harriet and released a green spell.
She dodged out the way, distracted Carlos enough for Ben to hold Carlos back by the arms.
Carlos struggled to get out of Ben's grip.
"LET GO OF ME!!! YOU CAN'T STOP BROTHER!" Carlos yelled.
"I'm so sorry Carlos" Ben said.
Ben smashed the potion on Carlos' head and moved out the way.
The glass shard disappears Carlos' growls with anger. The green glow surrounds Carlos, making his cold green eyes turn to his normal brown eyes.
He looked confused for a second before bursting into tears.

"You guys saved me...thank you" Carlos whispered.
Carlos hugs Harriet, who was startled by the hug.
"Carlos, it wasn't your fault" Harriet whispered, hugging him tighter.
"You couldn't control yourself" Ben said.
"I should off! Anthony.He did this. I won't ever forgive him for what he did, for what he made Mal go through...what he made you go through Ben" Carlos said.
" remember?" Ben asked, shocked.
"Yes, I do, I remember everything" Carlos whispered.

Silence went between the two as Carlos let go of Harriet.
"Wait...what's going on?" Harriet asked.
"So that means you're aware of what's going on when under the effects of the potion" Ben explained.
"Yes" Carlos whispered.
"Mal..." Ben whispered, wide eyed.
"She knows Ben, we know" Carlos stated.
"I'm lost" Harriet said.
"Ben is the ultima beast" Carlos said.
Harriet froze.
"You're kidding right? That's just a story we got told to behave on the Isle..." Harriet started but then notices the seriousness on Carlos' face "that actually exists?"
"It does...the power is real, the origin of all magical creatures today, the power to turn humans into magical creatures, it's in Ben" Carlos said, making both of them look at Ben, who was deep in thought.

~Ben and his father stood in Ben's room, with Ben's father crossing his arms,
"I was informed it was you at Auradon prep yet again Ben, you do realise how close of a call that was?!? The fact that someone almost made you into a beast. You need to control to control your emotions" Ben's father snapped.
"You've been doing this my whole life without me knowing, keeping me away from people, keeping me isolated about what friends I should have!" Ben yelled.
"I won't stop until you realise what you can do to someone!" Ben's father yelled.
"I'm no planning on biting anyone!" Ben yelled, looking down.
"It's not just a bite that can kill someone and you know this; stop playing dumb! Fairy Godmother said there's a possibility your eyes can do the same thing. You have no control over them and at this rate you never will" Ben's father said calmer.
Ben looked away to try and control his tears and growling green eyes.
"Just go away!" Ben said softly.
Ben's father sighed and walked to the door.
"Mal going to play you over and over again; she's probably using you to get to the crown. Do yourself a favour and forget about her" Ben's father said as he walked out the room.~

"I am a ultima beast, my father thought it was a curse from Maleficent but I was born with it...I've been hiding it...from everyone" Ben whispered.
"Why?" Harriet asked.
"The ultima beast can transform a human in two ways; untamed eyes or a bite and transformation is set to that's why you're wearing that cloth over your eyes, isn't it?" Carlos asked
Ben looked down.
"Yeah" he whispered.
"It all makes sense now" Harriet whispered.
"I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt you any of you, I didn't want anyone to know. I need your help to save Mal, please. And then I'm going" Ben pleaded.
"Ben, you're not going anywhere" Harriet snapped, realising what he said.
"You're our friend Ben, we won't abandon you, you're not a monster" Carlos said.
"You're Ben" Harriet said..
"Yeah" Carlos finished.
Ben sighed, looking at them.
"Thank you, you guys are the closest thing to family I have" Ben whispered.
"Awwww" Harriet said and then looked wide eyed "Wait...does that mean you would get like ears or wings or a tail or something like that?"
"I've read that the ultima has werewolf like ears and a tail, but I've never seen them" Ben replied.
"I see" Harriet said, nodding.
"Okay enough talking, we need to kick Anthony's butt and save Mal" Carlos said.
"And C.J.!" Harriet added.
"Right, let's go" Ben stated.
Before Ben even moved one step he collapsed onto the floor.
"Ben!" Harriet exclaimed.
Ben slowly gets up.
"I'm fine, just a scratch" Ben replied.
Carlos looked at his former potion bench.
"I'm so sorry, I'm not sure if I created a potion to heal you...I'm not even sure how I can" Carlos whispered.
"I don't need it, I'll recover, we need to go" Ben said stubbornly.
"I'll catch up, I need to get a few supplies while I can remember how I make potions" Carlos said as Harriet and Ben go out the way they came.


Anthony and Mal walked through the snow filled forest.
"Wasn't I amazing?" Anthony asked.
He laughed.
"Can you believe that I was the one who ended the ultima beast?" Anthony said, smirking.
"You did a wonderful job, that fool never saw it coming" Mal said coldly.
"And it was so well executed" Anthony said before laughing again "now, did you see the look on his face; priceless...."
They both walked around the corner to see something strange.
"Uh?" Anthony asked, shocked.
At the bottom of the cliff where Ben's body was meant to be laid there was only a massive puddle of blood and a knife by its side.
Anthony looked at it with fear.
" no did he survive?" Anthony yelled.
He turned to Mal who looked just as confused as he was.
"YOU!" He yelled.
He slaps Mal across her face, making her groan in pain.
A black eye was starting to form on her left eye.
"You failed me!" Anthony snapped.
"I'm sorry I-"
"Brother, Carlos isn't answering her call" CJ yelled, cutting off Mal as she ran to Anthony.
"What?" Anthony snapped.

Anthony looked up to see an alive looking Ben standing on top of the cliff he fell off of hours before.
"I won't let you take her" Ben yelled.
Carlos and Harriet appeared behind him with determination written on their faces.
"COME HERE AND FACE ME!!!" Ben yelled.
Anthony's face only showed horror as Ben's head turns to his friends with a smile.

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