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Jaebum had never messed up a job before, let alone with Namjoon's help, Kris was furious and they knew it. Sitting outside his office, shivering and wet from the snow, they waited to hear their fate.

"Oh we are so dead" Jaebum drops his head onto his hands, rubbing his eyes like he can rub the whole nightmare away.

"Not helping" Namjoon scolds, still pacing in front of him, a ball of nervous energy himself. He is itching to run, very far from here, where he might be safe, before he starves to death at least.

"Well neither are you," He looks at the shut door, and shivers once violently. "we are so dead"

"Stop saying that, its one job, Kris can't be that mad" But Namjoon is still pacing and Jaebum is still pale as a ghost, tapping his foot as they wait to be called into Kris's office.

It seems like forever, but their clothes don't dry and their hair is still dipping water when Kris shouts over a loud speaker behind them. "You two, get in here!"

Kris is sitting behind his desk, staring at them as they walk in. A fire crackles behind him, and they jump, on edge. They feel like rabbits in a lions den.

"You have thirty seconds to explain, go." Kris looks dark, shrouded in shadow, his black eyes glistening in the glowing light.

"Well you see, it happens that..."

"We don't have an excuse, we messed up" Jaebum keeps Namjoon from trying to explain further. Kris really doesn't want to hear an excuse, despite his command.

"I'll say, do you know how much money you cost me?"

They shake their heads, but he doesn't elaborate, leaning back in his chair. He's silent for sometime, wanting to make them squirm. Kids, teens, they never understand the stakes.

"Mark," He calls, startling them. Someone slips into the room, standing at attention next to them, but neither Jaebum nor Namjoon can bring themselves to look at him. "Get them out of my sight, you know what to do"

Mark nods, turning towards the door. Kris tells them to follow Mark and they're dismissed trailing a short boy down a long hallway, the lights are few and far between. He still has his hood up as they walk, taking several random turns until Jaebum knows it would take him an unreasonable amount of time to find his way back out.

Suddenly Mark stops, Namjoon and Jaebum just inches away from plowing right into him. He turns around, taking off his hood and brandishing a thin knife.

"Oh... you look like that..." Jaebum says, astonished, he was expecting someone rugged, intimidating, but Mark looks like a literal jewel. A dirty jewel, but a jewel none-the-less. His hair is ruby red, eyes dark, an Jaebum can just make out the criss cross of dirt smudging his cheeks. His lips are plump, but chapped, bleeding at the seams. Jaebum is captivated instantly; he doesn't have time to react when Mark backhands him, sharp nails cutting across his cheek.

"Don't talk"

"Fuck! Are you okay?" Namjoon helps steady Jaebum when he reels, blood leaking from in between his fingers.

"What did I just say?" Mark kicks out hard right into Namjoon's stomach and he doubles over, groaning. Jaebum crouches instantly next to him, looking up at Mark with new fear. Despite his size, Mark is evidently not someone they would want to run into in a dark alley, which is basically their current situation.

Mark runs his tongue across his teeth, canines glinting in the light from the pathetic bulbs.

"Oh my god, hes a werewolf" Namjoon groans.

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