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Even though he was told to leave it alone, Jinyoung is really curious about what Mark's punishment had been. So while the others are asleep he walks down to Youngjae and BamBam's room and opens it. The light is still on and it looks like neither of them have moved since Jaebum visited them hours ago. Both boys are asleep so Jinyoung walks around the bed to the side BamBam is on, immediately noticing the ripped jeans and blood stains.

He gasps audibly, covering his mouth, stilling as he waits to see if he woke them up. He didn't, thankfully. Glancing around the room, he thinks hard for a minute before making up his mind.

I'm going to regret this later, He thinks as he closes the door softly, jogging up the stairs as quietly as he can. He grabs some towels from his bathroom and creeps into Yugyeom's room to grab a shirt. Said boy is fast asleep splayed out on the bed, snoring lightly.

He goes back soon with the towels and Yugyeom's oversized shirt. As quietly as he can he runs a bath. The water comes out brown and rust filled at first, it isn't surprising, just gross and he makes a mental note to clean it out later. Once it's full he sneaks back out and carefully pulls BamBam away from Youngjae—having to disentangle their arms—and carries him into the bathroom laying him on the floor to strip his clothes off.

Mark really did a number on him. He's got dried blood and cum all over and inside his ass. His clothes are kind of stuck to him so Jinyoung has to be careful peeling them away.

Jinyoung begins folding them neatly so he can add them to the pile of laundry but stops midway. The jeans are ruined, there is no point. Sighing, Jinyoung tosses the clothes away from him and takes his shirt off, setting it on the dusty counter so that it won't get wet while he washes him.

He lifts BamBam off of the floor and sets him into the tub.

He cant turn BamBam over without drowning him so he gently spreads his legs, using two fingers and a hand towel to clean BamBam out; hes very glad that he is asleep for this because with it dried he can't be very gentle about scraping it out and he doesn't want to hear BamBam screaming in pain.

Its a long while before he's sure that he got everything. He leans over and unplugs the tub letting the stained water drain away from him.

Once it's gone he takes the shower head down and rinses BamBam off just to get rid of any left over grime. He puts his arms under BamBam to lift him out, tougher now since they're both wet, when the bathroom door creaks open. Jinyoung's heart stops.

"Bammie?" Youngjae squeaks from the door poking is head partway in, his eyes wide with fear.

"It's okay Youngjae, BamBam's okay. I'm just cleaning him up" Jinyoung assures him, relaxing visibly. Its just Youngjae. "Could you help me lift him out?"

Youngjae seems skeptical but he nods, leaving the door open, he enters the bathroom, kneeling by the tub next to Jinyoung. Together, they manage it. Jinyoung makes Youngjae lay an extra towel down first, tsking at himself because of how dusty the bathroom floor is.

"Here, you dry his chest, I'm going to dry him from the waist down" Jinyoung hands Youngjae another towel and tells him to be careful. Youngjae sets it on BamBam and dries his chest in small soft circles. He notices the red bite mark on his neck as he sits him up just a little to dry his back and he sniffles.

"This is all my fault" Youngjae whispers more to himself than Jinyoung.

"What was that?" Jinyoung asks finished with drying his legs and moving onto the delicate part. He pulls a tube from his pocket and pours a decent amount onto his fingers, gliding them in and around BamBam, it should keep him from getting an infection and maybe help with the pain a little.

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