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Jinyoung is still sick the next day, his fever the same. But today hes too sick to even consider getting out of bed, every move painful to his stomach and head. Hes also a bit delirious. Jaebum sighs after checking Jinyoung's temperature again, pulling out his phone and dialing Taecyeon's number to ask if he can take over for him today.

"Don't call, I'll stay" Jackson says, from the doorway. Jaebum thanks him, reaching out to him for a hug but Jackson doesn't move."I'm not doing it for you"

Jaebum bows shortly as another thank you, knowing that hes pretty far from earning back their trust. He hurries past Jackson, trying not be hurt at the way Jackson shifts his shoulder out of the way, not even letting them brush against each other.

He's already late, so he doesn't bother hurrying to put his shoes on, fixing himself in the small mirror by the door. Mark comes up next to him, about to leave, he gives Jaebum a confused look but he doesn't ask questions. He slips on his own shoes.

"Want to get breakfast?" Jaebum asks him, stomach growling. Mark shrugs, he won't say no to being late to work.

They get into Jaebums car and begin the drive, Jaebums not willing to be too late so it will be a quick breakfast but he's happy he at least has Mark with him, feeling lonelier than usual.

As they're sitting in the cafe waiting for their coffee and bagels, a thought occurs to Jaebum. He still doesn't know how Mark fixed things with Jinyoung.

"How come Jinyoung has been all over you lately?" Jaebum asks.

"Huh? Oh," Mark looks up from his phone. "I told him we weren't going to sell those boys"

"What???" Jaebum's head snaps around, surprised.

"Relax, we still are, I have a plan"

"A plan?"

"Yeah, so, we wait until Jinyoung goes down there one night, and comes back up, then in the middle of the night while Jinyoung is asleep we can transport them out. But we can leave everything there like they escaped. Jinyoung will believe he forgot to lock door, blame himself, and bonus points, he wont ever ask to keep someone again"

Mark finishes explaining and Jaebum has to admit, its a good idea. It would definitely work, especially if they got Jinyoung to believe it was his fault they got away.

"If we sell them to Jiho," Mark continues "we can even "find" their bodies somewhere in the woods. Namjoon and, well, we can figure that out then"

"That is a good idea" Jaebum turns away, trying to mask how his spirits fell. He hadn't been upset that Mark said they wouldn't sell them, he was surprised though, and a little... happy? Maybe not that, but he can't deny the way his heart twists at the thought of lying to Jinyoung like that again. His mind runs to a picture of Youngjae smiling so nicely up at him, and his heart clenches again.

This is not good.

Jackson moves into the room, settling on the bed next to Jinyoung. He pushes the sweaty hair out his face, smiling softly when Jinyoung nuzzles against his hand. The steady beat of the rain hitting the window fills the room. Yugyeom left too, having a class to teach. It's just them and it feels peaceful.

Mark and Jinyoung have seemed good lately and Jackson is happy for that, although concerned about what Mark might have up his sleeves. He lays down, spooning Jinyoung over the blankets, tired as hell.

The rain is soothing to him, he loves the sound of it, the cozy feeling of being inside. Its even better that he can cuddle with Jinyoung, its too bad hes sick. He's glad work was cancelled because of the rain. Its a much needed day off.

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