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Yugyeom sends Jackson a text to assure him that Jinyoung is fine as he knows the older was just as worried. Things are usually fine, Yugyeom thinks to himself, I need to not worry so much. And a new job is coming up; that should ease some of the stress everyone's been under.

He arrives at the bar and immediately gets into setting up chairs, Henry is already here, polishing glasses while he blasts music. Yugyeom isn't sure Henry has even noticed that he's got here. He's proven right when Henry suddenly turns the music off, pulling out his phone. Yugyeom stands frozen waiting for his own phone to ring, and in a matter of seconds it does, loudly, scaring Henry.

"Fuck, Yugyeom, let me know know when you get here" He tosses his phone aside, scowling. Yugyeom only laughs as Henry pulls out a cigarette and lights it, taking a long drag. "You scared the shit out of me"

"Pay more attention next time" Yugyeom shrugs, setting out the last chair before hopping behind the counter to help get things organized.

"I told you to dye your hair" Henry pinches a strand of Yugyeom's hair between his fingers, a displeased frown on his face.

"Yeah, yesterday. I'll do it this weekend, chill" Yugyeom swats his hand away, rolling his eyes—Jinyoung just did his hair.

Henry heads outside to the ally to finish his cigarette, muttering something about teaching Yugyeom a hard lesson, but Yugyeom ignores him pulling out his phone and plugging it into the audio jack to play his own music as he sets up the bar. Him, Amber and Eric are the bartenders, but Eric won't be here until they actually open and Amber will come when they start to get busy, around 10. Usually Yugyeom does Amber's shift, but not today.

The bar has a red and black scheme now, with soft lighting. Henry has the bright over heads on right now, so they can set up properly, but once they're out its nearly impossible to see anywhere but the bar. The bar has the best lighting in terms of visibility—clear orbs dotting the line of the bar along with the lighted shelves. The booths are okay, each equipped with their own light. Its supposed to be romantic? Maybe? Yugyeom doesn't think the colors are very romantic. At least not in this setting. Jinyoung looks good in red, but blue is his best color. Mark looks the best in red. He thinks, pulling out two bottles of wine and placing them carefully onto the shelves behind the bar.

That happens to be one of Yugyeom's favorite things. Colors. And finding out what color looks best on who. Jinyoung's is blue, Mark's is red, Jaebum looks best in dark colors, especially black, and Jackson looks best in nudes. Not nude—well yes also nude, but as in the color scheme: nude. He smiles just thinking about the tank top Jackson got forever ago, tan with a single brown stripe running just below and all along the very loose collar. Sexy as hell. Especially when Jackson had brown hair. Yugyeom bites his lip, I should see if Jackson will dye his hair when I do.

Nearly done, he bends down to open the hatch to the cellar, where they keep a key to the really expensive stuff(to be kept on his person during business hours), hanging just below the opening. He grabs it, standing back up, coming face to face with a man that is not Henry. His cheeks are hollow, eyes almost yellow, wearing a tattered brown bomber. At least Yugyeom thinks its brown. That might just be dirt.

"Sorry, we're closed" Yugyeom says, letting the hatch slam shut.

"I know"

"Then leave" Yugyeom was going to be friendly, he really was, but anyone who has the gal to come in here knowing they're closed and lean their disgusting body on his clean counter, isn't anyone he can be nice to for long.

"You watch your tone with me, boy" The man threatens and Yugyeom just raises his eyebrows, unimpressed.

Mark, he is afraid of. Spiders, he is afraid of. A certain tree outside his window that is slightly taller than the others and makes weird shapes on his wall when the moon is shining behind it, he is afraid of. Some random stranger off the street? Not so much.

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