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"He was not following my orders, Jaebum! I told him to ask Jinyoung a question, I did not tell him to attack him or even break into your home, that's some Kris level shit!"

"Yeah, that sounds reasonable, but it doesn't change what he did, or what we did to him, should have kept him on a tighter leash"

"That's become apparent," Junmyeon rubs his eyes, annoyed, it has always been difficult keeping guys who also worked under Kris, but he managed. Now finally on the brink of a peaceful city not terrorized by Kris and his gang, Sehun has to start a brand new war with the Im family. "I don't want to start anything Jaebum, but I think Jinyoung has the answer to my current problem, may I talk to him?"

"Absolutely not—"

"Well then can you help me?? Do you know where Kris's safe is, do you know the code??" He feels as frantic as he sounds.

"Why would you think Jinyoung would know any of that?"

"Because he spent more time in Kris's personal quarters than anyone, including me, he has to know something!"

Jaebum doesn't answer, seeing red, that is not a part of Jinyoung's past he enjoys the mention of, it doesn't change how he feels about Jinyoung, but it makes him wish he had killed Kris with his bare hands rather than gotten him arrested.

"Please, Jaebum, I know you don't like talking about this, I don't blame you, but can't you hear how desperate I am? I need to know where that safe is"

"Whats in the safe that's so important to you?"

"Mostly just a lot of money, but also files, a ton of files should be in there too, and those files have answers to questions I've had for a long time"

"You are really just telling me all this" Jaebum is amazed, that is a lot of information to be handing a potential enemy.

"Like I said, I'm desperate, and more importantly I will not have my legacy begin with breaking and entering and attacking an innocent person, I am not Kris"

"He's still asleep, when he wakes up I'll ask him, but... as far as Sehun goes..."

"Is he dead?"

"No, just severely injured"

"Then I have no issues with you, please ask Jinyoung about the safe"

"And if he doesn't know?"

"Ask him if he can think of anyone who would know, besides Kris"

"Sure" Jaebum hangs up the phone and leans back in his chair, considering what this could mean for them.

He doesn't know much about Junmyeon, never has, except that at some point, very soon after Jaebum started working for Kris, he left and was presumed dead until he made it known that he didn't like how Kris was handling his business. Which raises the question: how could Junmyeon know Jinyoung, if Jinyoung started working for Kris after Jaebum?

It doesn't add up, which means that Jaebum might have to question the things he knows about Jinyoung too.

Jinyoung is curled up next to Mark again, but on his bed, Jackson standing over them, having just returned home to hear the news. Jaebum enters quietly, not wanting to wake Jinyoung too early from his nap.

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