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Jaebum is more careful when he contacts Namjoon, opting to not invite him over. He wouldn't have anyway, since everyone knows him, but hes at least learned from the mistake. Jinyoung has been quiet but Jaebum knows he's taking precautions. It seems he checks on the boys every five minutes and was eating down there every meal until Mark threatened him.

Mark promised to take care of the issue, so Jaebum has stayed out of the way. He finally did, yesterday.

Jaebum has no idea what he did, but suddenly Jinyoung is smiling, laughing, clinging to Mark like crazy. Almost normal, although he still won't look anyone in the eye, even Mark. And he's still being so careful with them, just subtly.

And with Jinyoung being so careful, he cant take new pictures. Jinyoung's really been taking good care of them, BamBam has a nice glow back and Youngjae's earned one he never had even in their scout photos. Its pretty cute.

Not that Jaebum has really checked, he's only gone down there once or twice to find Jinyoung. So the change is obvious.

Jaebum doesn't have time to be thinking things like that. Jackson has been pissed too. Jaebum can't even look at him without being scorned. Its been lonely, but he's masking it well, feigning indifference when Yugyeom pulls away from him, or Jinyoung gives a too tight smile.

Things would be alright, they've forgiven him before, they can do it again. He hopes, god he hopes.

When Jaebum enters the bar, Namjoon is already at a booth, a drink in his hand, hair neatly pulled back. He looks like he just got off work at some stressful office job, his jacket hung on a small hook off to the side.

Jaebum knows that isn't so, but he could be fooled, he knows he looks the part as well. Namjoon loosens his tie, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. He raises his glass in greeting when Jaebum slides into the booth across from him. They're only kind of out of place with the strange time of day.

"Long time no see" Namjoon nods in his direction, flagging down the waitress so Jaebum can order as well. "What's new?"

"Nothing much, more and more work. You?" Jaebum slides off his coat, ordering a whiskey, neat.

"Not a whole lot, messes to take care of, I'm sure you heard" Namjoon shrugs, crossing one long leg over the other and leaning back.

"Yes, how is Jungkook? Yugyeom was worried"

"Doing better, still shaken, I'll tell him to text him"

"Yoongi took care of it?"

"Of course" Namjoon and Jaebum smirk, Namjoon remembering the body and Jaebum remembering Yoongi. He's good at what he does, Namjoon picked well. Namjoon reaches into his coat pocket retrieving a pen. "So, tell me about them"

"They're almost 18, and we can hold them until they are 18 if that's a problem, they're healthy, no disease or malnourishment, cute" Jaebum lists off the general qualities, and Namjoon takes notes in a little Rikuman notepad.

"Age isn't an issue. Are they sexually active yet?"

"BamBam, at least once. Other than that, I'm not entirely sure. Jinyoung will know"

"Jinyoung, how is he?"

"He's doing well, seems happy lately"

"Good, good, miss him, he's a sweetheart" Namjoon smiles just a bit.

"Indeed. They don't have any allergies either, they aren't difficult to take care of"

"Excellent, do you have pictures?"

"Not recent ones, unfortunately, there's been an incident, and pictures aren't possible at the moment" Jaebum shrugs sliding the photos across the table. Namjoon just nods, but he's not very happy about the pictures being old.

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