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Two mornings later, Jinyoung is discharged. The doctor was hesitant, but after much assurances that Jinyoung was not, in fact, trying to poison himself, she let him go. Even though hes out, no one can come pick him up. Yugyeom has an early morning class, construction is back on for Jackson and Mark and Jaebum are stuck at work. He sits outside of the hospital for a while, debating getting a taxi, but they try to avoid using those. The fewer people who know their address, the better.

He's feeling pretty good, all things considered. Its cool outside, slightly windy.  He's anxious to get home and see the state the house is in, see Youngjae and BamBam. Yugyeom swung by only briefly to drop off a pair of clothes and give him a kiss, and Jaebum did call to make sure he was doing okay. But he has no news for how things were. Not that he thinks the house would burn down if not for him but hes worried about what they were eating—if they were eating.

As he's thinking of wandering over to Yuygyeom's studio, a car pulls up. A nice car, shiny red with pitch black windows. The passenger side window rolls down and who should it be? Namjoon.

"Jinyoung? What are you doing outside of a hospital?" He asks, leaning towards the window to look up him. Jinyoung steps off the sidewalk crouching down to make it easier.

"I was admitted two days ago, I got sick, I'm okay now though" Jinyoung shrugs, but Namjoon looks appropriately concerned. 

"Do you have a ride home?"

"Everyone is busy..."

"Well hop in, I assume you don't want me knowing your address but you can at least hang out at our club until then" Namjoon unlocks the door and Jinyoung climbs right in.

"I guess if Jaebum never told you, he probably doesn't" Jinyoung shrugs, buckling up his seat-belt and telling Namjoon to as well. Namjoon chuckles but does as he's told. "Is your club even open at this hour?"

"No, but we always have someone there, I'll be there finishing paperwork and Minnie will be there waiting until Hope gets back"

Jinyoung nods, looking out the window at the city, he's never really been to this part of it, well, not in a long time. Namjoon studies Jinyoung in small glances, taking in the heavy smell of laundry and slight sterile scent of hospitals. The same smell newborns carry. 

"It's been forever, Jinyoungie, you've gotten so tall, how are you? What's new?" Namjoon asks after a good beat of silence.

"Good, I've been good, how are you?"

"Just good? What's new?" Namjoon doesn't let Jinyoung evade the question.

"Nothings new, same old same old, I repainted the hallway, got sick and went to the hospital" Jinyoung shrugs, finally turning away from the window to look at Namjoon. 

"Did you drink the paint? Jesus Jinyoung, don't you have any hobbies?" Namjoon jokes but Jinyoung shakes his head. He really doesn't have any hobbies, except reading.

"We should find you one—I mean, I mean that you should find one" Namjoon quickly corrects himself, gripping the steering wheel like that will dispel the awkward statement. Jinyoung doesn't flinch at it though, maybe he didn't notice the lapse, back to the looking out the window.

"I guess, how are things for you?"

"They're going well, business is booming, Jin is happy, and I got to see you again" Namjoon nudges Jinyoung with his elbow and Jinyoung turns back to look at him again, catching his infectiously dimpled smile and sending it right back. "Minnie will be happy to see you, he fucking loves you"

"It's been a long time" Jinyoung agrees surprised that he's excited to see Minnie as well. "How is everyone else? I heard what happened with Kookie, I'm sorry about that"

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