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Jaebum likes it when things go his way. He works so much so he can control the outcome of each job. He makes rules with the intention of guiding situations and he takes precautions to make sure there are no surprises.

It isn't that he needs to be in control, but that he likes to be, things tend to run smoother that way. So he likes to consider himself pretty lenient, pretty forgiving. He likes to think he makes the right calls.

Yes, it takes a lot to make Jaebum lose his cool, a lot to surprise him yet today has just been a roller coaster of surprises. So understandably, he's a little on edge.

The moment Jinyoung bursts through the door he can tell something is wrong and he has a feeling it's more than just him disobeying an order.

"You must be thrilled right now, Jinyoung" Jaebum says picking up his pencil and dropping it back on the table repeatedly "So fucking happy"

Jinyoung looks around the room, it looks like they've been standing here awhile waiting for him. Jackson looks up at him, dropping his gaze the moment he finds it. Mark looks murderous, leaning against the couch next to Jackson refusing to look at Jinyoung like whatever is going on is his fault. Mark always has to blame someone. Yugyeom stands on the opposite side of the room, looking like he would rather be somewhere else.

Jaebum displays no emotion but Jinyoung knows him well enough to know he is furious and trying desperately to keep his anger in check.

"What happened?" Jinyoung asks and walks towards the desk, stopping a few steps short of it.

"I got a call from Jiwon. He's backing out. Guess he doesn't want them anymore. But he said we could keep the deposit he already paid, so there's that" Jaebum stands up and Jinyoung notices the gun in his hand. Jaebum walks towards him.

"Jaebum.....?" Jinyoung takes a few steps back, far enough to hit the wall. He isn't sure if this is supposed to be a threat or not, but he'd rather not take the chance.

"What? Aren't you happy? They aren't getting sold anymore"

Jinyoung isn't happy, they've never had a buyer back out, he has no idea what to do in this situation, or how Jaebum will handle it.

"So I guess we had better free up that room for our next job. Do you want to do the honors or do you want me to?" Jaebum shoves the gun against Jinyoung's chest. Jinyoung pales, glancing from the gun now in his hands to Jaebum and back.

"You want me to.... you expect me to...." Jinyoung's heart pounds in his chest, restricting his lungs, his stomach flipping as his mind refuses to process what Jaebum is asking of him. "NO!" Jinyoung pushes the gun back to Jaebum, a look of complete horror wrinkling his face. "Are you fucking kidding me?! We are not killing them!"

"What do expect me to do, huh?! They are useless now Jinyoung if we aren't getting paid for them they're useless!"

"We- we could ransom them back! Their parents would pay—" Jinyoung stops himself mid sentence. BamBam's parents would pay, that's for sure. But would Youngjae's?

Mark laughs suddenly, a harsh laugh that has Jinyoung cringing. That isn't a good sign.

"Ransom them back?" Mark repeats through clenched teeth, his fingers digging roughly into his jeans. For a long moment there, Mark sickly imagines them wrapped around Jinyoungs throat. He shoves the thought away though. "We didn't plan for this Jinyoung, they know our faces, our names. They could identify us. Are you fucking stupid?"

The words are so strained it physically hurts Jinyoung to hear them. Mark is wound so tight.

Going so far against his better judgment that it's basically skydiving without a parachute, Jinyoung speaks again.

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