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Jackson's suggestion was that they ask Jaehyo instead of Jiho. Jaebum was understandably hesitant, but he agreed. They haven't known Jaehyo as long as Jiho, but they both know that Jaehyo is the technical side of Jiho's business.

Jaehyo is actually competent in something other than crime.

Jaehyo works in town, not far from where Jaebum works so it doesn't take them long to get there, Jackson drives while Jaebum fiddles with the radio.

"I'll wait in the car, you go ahead" Jackson says and Jaebum nods, adjusting his jacket before stepping into the cool autumn air.

Jaehyo is waiting by the front doors smiling warmly, he's as tall as Jiho but has none of his threatening presence, he looks like your friendly neighborhood mortician.

"Mr. Im, it's been a while, come on in" Jaehyo's voice is smooth and even. Jaebum finds himself smiling back, only slightly cautious of how disarming Jaehyo is.

"Mr. Ahn, thank you for your help" Jaebum steps through the door and Jaehyo shuts it behind him.

"You're right, that sounds stuffy, call me Jaehyo" Jaehyo motions him to follow "my computer is down stairs, but I don't know if I can find what your looking for"

Jiho is chilling in the basement when they reach it, leaning on a table with a dead man on it. Jiho pokes at the mans side as if checking for life. He gives a nod when Jaebum and Jaehyo come through the door, but says nothing.

They wait in comfortable silence while Jaehyo works, the clicks of the keyboard sounding through the room.

"Let's see here, well, this is ridiculous" Jaehyo snorts "emails, prepay, phone records, how dumb, haven't these people heard of a cross—"

"I doubt it, let me see" Jaebum interrupts him, not wanting to have to pretend to know about whatever computer thing Jaehyo is talking about. He peers over Jaehyos shoulder reading the emails.

"Want me to send them to you?"

"No, I just need to know it exists, the police can find it then"

"Alrighty, let me unbury it"

"Thank's Jaehyo, you're a lifesaver"

"I told you" Jiho smirks, poking the side of the corpse on the table.

"Jiho, if you're going to touch him, please at least put on gloves, we've been over this" Jaehyo tsks, adjusting his big pair of glasses.

Jiho just shrugs. Jebum looks around the morgue, where Jaehyo does all the embalming for funerals, and where he illegally—but conveniently—harvests organs to sell with Jiho on the black market.

Jinyoung ran into some major firewalls trying to get the information, so they had to look for help elsewhere. And who better to help him get buried information than a technical government worker.

"Hey I have one more question, do you think you can run a search on a name?"

"Of course" Jaehyo laughs like that's the least of his abilities.

"Even Mark Tuan?"

"Mark? You don't know where Mark is?" Jaehyo asks, looking over at Jiho who is frozen in place, eyes big as a furby's, mouth drawn in a tight line.

Jaebum glances over at Jiho too, confusion and then anger rushing into him.

"Did I not tell you?" Jiho's voice is higher than usual, but it's a genuine question. He was positive he told him.

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