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If possible, Mark's scorn doubles the next day, and the day after that. It's almost as if he's punishing Jinyoung for existing by treating him like he doesn't exist. Or that he has as meaningful an existence as the spider he crushed some time ago. Every little thing Jinyoung does results in an explosion.

It's painful to look at Mark, and be met with such hatred every day. It's painful to look at Jaebum and be reminded of his lies. It's painful to look at Jackson and Yugyeom knowing they knew and didn't tell him.

He mostly keeps it to himself, rushing to try and keep Mark happy, terrified that if he fucks up again Mark will go after BamBam or Youngjae. He's been spending more time down there, eating down there, he even slept down there one night, hurrying back up to his room too early in the morning, afraid that he had been caught. He felt better with them, they hadn't lied to him.

Regardless of the small comforts brought by Youngjae and BamBam, after a week, Jinyoung is so shaken he struggles to hold his knife straight, almost slipping and cutting off his finger while he chops vegetables. Mark is only a few feet away, never far anymore, alternating between watching Jinyoung and reading the newspaper. Jinyoung can barely think he's so nervous.

Jinyoung had expected things to get a little better when Peniel came back, just yesterday and picked up Hui, no complications, Hui didn't even fight him and they got paid in full. A pretty large sum of money, that almost covers what they didn't get from Jiwon backing out. Jinyoung wanted things to get better, but they haven't.

Mark came in here over an hour ago, home early from work, sat down at the island and said "Jaebum told me" and nothing else. Jinyoung hasn't said anything for fear of assuming the wrong thing or maybe he needs permission to speak now. He doesn't know, it's been different everyday and he just can't afford to guess.

"So you aren't going to say anything?" Mark finally asks, closing his finished paper and dropping it to the floor. Damnit.

"I didn't think you wanted me to" Jinyoung tries, taking the knife to the sink.

"I just want to know why I had to hear it from Jaebum? Why my boyfriend suddenly wants someone else, and doesn't tell me"

"I–I was going to, it–it didn't ever seem like a good time..."

"Have you fucked them?"

"What?? NO! I wouldn't—"

"Good. Don't. Because my answer is no"

Jinyoung doesn't say anything for a second, biting his lip as he looks at Mark.

"Is it just no to having sex with them? Or the whole thing in–in general?" Jinyoung asks, reluctantly. Very very reluctantly, regretting it as Mark lifts his head up, a tight smile on his lips.

"Does it make a difference?"

"I just–they–they don't have a whole lot... and I just–just thought I could love them—"

"Do you honestly believe you know what love looks like?" Mark asks, the cruelty in his voice thinly veiled by pity; it stops Jinyoung mid sentence.

"Ye—yeah, yeah. Yes" Jinyoung says quickly, shoving his hands in the sink.

"I can assure you, Jinyoung," Mark walks around the island, running his fingers up Jinyoung's arm. "You have no idea what love looks like," He wraps his arms around Jinyoung's waist, leaning in close to his ear, chin rested lightly on his shoulder. "Because no one loves you"

He says it with such finality, such pity, that Jinyoung can't respond. Has no idea how to respond. How could Mark say that?

"I thought you loved me" Jinyoung says finally, unable to keep the waver from his voice.

"I try, but you make it so hard sometimes" Mark kisses the back of his neck, holding him tightly against his chest. "It's really tough on us, Jinyoung"

That us hits Jinyoung like a truck. He hadn't thought he was that much of a burden. He thought he made things easier.

"If you just listened this would be so easy, why won't you listen? You argue when we try to do our job, argue when all we want to do is feed you, it's like you don't even appreciate all the work we do for you"

"I do–I do appreciate—" Jinyoung sobs out, shaking as his tears drip into the sink.

"It doesn't show" Mark sighs, grabbing a towel to dry Jinyoung's hands, turning him around. Jinyoung offers up his hands without question, head bent down, tears still streaming down his cheeks. Mark dries his hands then opens his arms. Jinyoung rushes into them, pressing his face against his chest.

Mark pets his back lovingly, kissing the top of his head.

"Mark, I—"

"I know, I know"

"I'm so so sorry but–but, please, please–please don't sell them, I–I–they—"

"Do they make you happy, Jinyoung?" Mark asks, suddenly sweet, cupping Jinyoung jaw and moving his head until he can look into eyes. Jinyoung nods, slowly, scared of giving the wrong answer. "Then we won't sell them, if they make my Jinyoungie happy, they can stay" Mark smiles and Jinyoung melts, falling hard for Marks loving gesture.

Mark takes his face in his hands and kisses his lips softly, only deepening it when Jinyoung parts his lips, pressing against him. It's been so long since Mark had held him, touched him, kissed him. He misses it so much.

"You're hard" Jinyoung gasps, feeling Mark's erection against his hip.

"Because of you, beautiful, take care of it" Mark steps away, leaning back against the counter as Jinyoung drops to his knees, crawling his way to kneel in front of him. Mark threads his fingers into Jinyoung's hair as Jinyoung works at his belt, pushing it aside to undo his jeans.

Jinyoung pull him free of his boxers, stroking him a few times before putting the tip against his lips, licking at it to gather the beads of precum before flattening his tongue on the underside and taking it all the way down. He puts his arms behind his back, crossing them at the wrist where he knows Mark likes them.

Mark hums his approval, smiling so lovingly down at Jinyoung. Jinyoung bobs his head, deep-throating him and swallowing slowly. Humming out when Mark thrusts once, teasingly.

"Want me to fuck your throat, baby?" Mark asks, voice husky with lust. Jinyoung blinks up at him through hooded eyes, moaning around his cock. Mark takes that as a yes, grabbing onto Jinyoung's head, pushing away from the counter slowly to a better position.

Mark pulls out just enough for Jinyoung to breathe a few times. Jinyoung hums again, giving Mark permission to start moving. He goes slow at first, holding Jinyoung back when he tries to push himself farther down.

"So impatient" Mark chuckles, thrusting a little deeper, Jinyoung moans around him, trying to get Mark to really go. "Fuck, I love it when you moan around me, baby"

Jinyoung moans louder as Mark picks up the pace, fucking as far down as he can go, Jinyoung swallowing around him when he can. It doesn't take long— Mark as pent up as hes ever been— before hes cumming down Jinyoung's throat, moaning his name in a way that has Jinyoung's eyes fluttering shut.

When Mark pulls out, a thin string of saliva connecting them, Jinyoung swallows down everything left in his mouth, licking his lips to break the string.

"Clean me off, baby" Mark orders, lowly, and Jinyoung leans forward, bringing his hands around to support himself as he licks Mark clean. When hes done, Mark stuffs himself back in boxers, zipping up his pants.

He pulls Jinyoung off of the floor, giving him a quick kiss. He can feel how hard Jinyoung is now, but he ignores it, staring at his flushed cheeks and swollen lips. Really a pretty sight.

"I'm going to go shower, you finish making dinner" Mark pecks his nose as Jinyoung nods.

Jinyoung is smiling as he finishes dinner, despite his jaw being sore and his eyes feeling itchy and the very annoying problem he has between his legs. Mark said he wouldn't sell them. Said it out loud. My Jinyoung. His Jinyoung.

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