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You'll get over it, he repeats as he walks back up the stairs, trying to convince himself, you'll get over it

Once he gets to the kitchen, he opens the side door, taking the few steps down to where the dumpster is. He tosses Youngjae's dirty clothes there.

For the first time in a while, he's wishing he hadn't quit smoking. It would help him relax, but he knows that without going out to buy some he won't find any. Jaebum stopped smoking when he did and since then no one keeps them in or around the house. Plus Jinyoung would smoke one, regret it and toss the pack out, a waste of money.

After staring off into the trees for a few minutes more, he heads back into the kitchen to prep dinner. Stew for Youngjae and he's decided on gnocchi for everyone else. It will have to be the store bought ones though since he didn't plan this days ago when he could've made his own. He sends Mark a quick text and asks him to pick up a package of the them on his way home.

He starts on the other ingredients while he waits and chops up the vegetables for Youngjae's stew. He finishes that first, adding some softer meat that should be easy to swallow. He keeps the soup on the lowest heat on the stove until hes ready to take it down to them.

Mark gets home about an hour and a half after Jinyoung texted him, caring the bag of gnocchi and his work bag into the kitchen he sets both down on the counter and collapses against Jinyoung.

"Tough day?" Jinyoung nudges him off and grabs the bag so he can really start cooking. Mark just nods, yawning and stretching his hands up over his head.

"I'm going to go take a nap. Wake me up when dinners ready?" Mark asks as he leaves the kitchen knowing that Jinyoung will so he doesn't look back to see if he nods or not.

"Mark, your—" Jinyoung stops when he notices Mark isn't there anymore with his work bag still sitting on his counter. He sighs and carries the bag to the living room setting it carefully on the couch.

The living room is looking kind of dusty and Jinyoung makes a mental note to dust it while he waits for the gnocchi to cook. The living room is really only used for guests which they don't have very often, for obvious reasons, so it isn't a high priority.

Once the gnocchi is in the oven he takes the soup down to Youngjae and BamBam, he doesn't stay long though since he has other chores to worry about. He brings their dishes from breakfast up and cleans them. Once hes done with that, he grabs the duster and starts on the living room. The others shouldn't be home for a little while so it's quiet. Because he has the time he vacuums as well but it really doesn't take that long so now he has nothing to do but sit and stare at the timer ticking down until the gnocchi is ready. The bathroom would take more time, so he cant start on that with the gnocchi cooking. And Mark is asleep so he can't hang out with him. He's bored, tapping his fingers against the counter, similar to playing the piano, but he's never actually learned.

He heads down to the basement, almost going all the way to the sub basement without thinking before turning quickly and heading for the TV room. Its the bigger room in the basement, with two large black leather couches and two matching chairs all gathered in front of a giant TV. A glass coffee table sits in the middle, usually occupied by a stack of stalker shots and whatever meal they are working through. There are no windows. Jackson and Yugyeom picked this room specifically so that when they play games they don't have to worry about glare. Unfortunately its lack of windows also traps any smells.

He usually avoids it because it can't stay clean and it makes him anxious. Once he opens the door, he sighs, whimpering pathetically. It's filthy. Of course it is, he knew it would be; balled up trash is all over the coffee table, game cases everywhere, controllers with tangled up cords strewn about. Oh god.

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