A few more months pass by and Jeremy and the cast had a break for 2 to 2 and a half months from filming.

“I'm so happy you're back!” (Y/N) said as she leaped into his embrace.

“I'm happy to be back too.” Jeremy joked.

“Let's catch up while watching tv?” She offered.

“With my best girl? Hell yeah.”

« time skip to the next season »

Almost the same thing happened again between the two but it got worse.

(Y/N) was still doing waitress though offers from her agency were piling up. Jeremy had more stuff to do for Supergirl and obviously press for it. Making almost zero time for the couple to talk.

Their relationship was slowly breaking in a good and bad way from that moment on. Good because they never really fought or had misunderstandings but bad because they had zero time to speak to each other.

So being the mature individuals they were, they decided to split in June of 2017, right before Comic Con 2017.

“Jeremy? Can we like talk?” She asked as she held her mug in her hand.

“Yeah, sure. What's it about?”

“Uhmm I don't know how to answer that exactly but it's about us and our workload.”

Jeremy immediately realized what she was suggesting to.

“I completely understand.” He replied even though she hasn't explained yet. Ofcourse he was sad to death but atleast they were in good terms.

“Please don't take this in the wrong way Jer. I really love you I do but it's just... It could be really toxic if we continue being like this.”

“I understand (Y/N). But hey, atleast we have time to grow and focus on our career right?”

“Right. I love you Jer.”

“I love you too, (Y/N).” They hugged each other in the middle of their living room.

« time skip to 2018 »

It has been almost a year since the two split up for work reasons knowing that they are in good terms. Still friends, constantly supporting each other but no commitment other than friendship.

But now that Jeremy Jordan is back on Broadway, playing Officer Paul Larkin in the new American Son play, things are changing.

(Y/N), being the supportive friend that she is, decided to accept the invitation for the invited dress rehearsal.

There she saw her ex-boyfriend, current friend play such a nerdy yet complex role. Afterwards, she was given the permission to visit the cast up in their dressing rooms.

Knowing Jeremy the best, she knew that he would not be in his dressing room but in the balcony just outside of Steven Pasquale's dressing room.

She lightly tapped his shoulder. He jerked his head in (Y/N)'s direction.

“(Y/N)?!” He questioned in surprised.

“I'm here.” She smiled before being engulfed in his arms.

“I'm so happy you're here.” He mumbled into her shoulder, tears nearly brimming his eyes.

“I want to give us another try.” She mumbled her eyes tearing up.

“You really want to?”

“I do Jeremy and if I could stay right here with you forever. I would.” She replied smiling.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't talked to you guys in a while. School is roughhhhh. Very rough.

But I'm making an effort to make this chapter and another one tomorrow for your guys' enjoyment.

Thank you so much for all the love and support you all have given me. I couldn't have continued this book if it wasn't for you guys.

Love y'all

-Shelly ♡

«Musical x Reader» {one-shots and preferences}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें