Ben Tyler Cook » Yes!

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Can I come over?

I don't feel very good...

Yeah sure!

Why? What's wrong?

I'll tell you when I get there.

(Y/N) sighed, placing her phone in her jean pocket, quickly grabbing her house keys and bidding farewell to her brother Josh who was frying up bacon in the kichen.

Ben heard a knock from his room, running down the stairs he answered it, revealing a tired looking (Y/N).

“You... Look... Like death.” Ben commented as he sat down next to her. “I feel like death.” She looked at him, tear stained cheeks are evident.

“You okay?” He asked, noticing her tear stained cheeks and blood shot eyes. “Can we like talk about this in your room? I don't want your siblings to hear how pathetic I am.”

“Hey don't say that. But yeah sure.” Ben stood up and guided her into his room upstairs, next to Emma's.

(Y/N) shut the door behind her. “I didn't get it.” She said quietly. “I'm so sorry (Y/N). They don't know what they're missing. Tell ya' what. I didn't get it too.”

“What?! Ben no! Curious was like your dream!” (Y/N) said as if her mood has changed.

“Yeah... But it'a okay though.” He replied in a dull tone.

“Well, I'm sorry too.” (Y/N) reached up and wrapped her arms around his torso. After a good moment comforting each other, they heard a notification from Ben's computer on his desk.

“What is it?” (Y/N) asked, following his steps towards the monitor.

A few clicks later, it revealed that it was an email from his talent agency. “No way! Holy shit I got it!” He jumped around his bedroom, cheering and shouting crazily.

“Congratulations!” (Y/N) greeted and hugged him once more.

“Have you checked your emails recently?” He asked. “No.” She mumbled against his shirt, ignoring the bell notif that was evidently heard.

“Then I'll check it for you.” Ben reached out his hand signaling that she'd hand him the phone which she did.

“Oh my god...” Ben managed to breathe out. “Look! It's the agency! And look what it says!”

“I got it? I got it?! I got it!” (Y/N) nearly shouted.

“Oh my gosh. We're gonna work together! A-And-” She cut herself off by turning towards her left, to which Ben's head was snooping on her phone. Which lead to an accidental per say, kiss.

Although they didn't have feelings towards each other while being best friends, they've come to reconsider.

“That was... uhm.” (Y/N) started.

“Weird? Awkward? Nice?” Ben shut himself off with his own hand.


“Y-Yeah. Well b-because I kinda like w-want to reconsider my choices.”

“About what?”

“Liking you. (Y/N) w-would you g-go out with me? Well that is if you want to! I am not like forcing you to do this. W-We can stay-”



“It's a yes Ben.” (Y/N) smiled softly at him.

Yeah.... I'm sorry for not updating in a few days! I have been busy with family stuff so I didn't have the chance to write.

Anyway! I have a little surprise for y'all!


okay that's it.

Love y'all

-Shelly ♡

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