Cinnamon Smoke

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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 35-
Cinnamon Smoke

Later that week, Mitsuyo and Sasuke drank sake and cursed Konoha for all it's worth. She could hear the drunken humms of Mitsuyo and the bitter laughs from Sasuke.

The two have gotten back on good terms surprisingly well. It was a wonder that Sasuke was the first to reach out for a better friendship. Mitsuyo was wary when Sasuke asked what the clan was like. With a twinkle that seemed too unusual nowadays was seen.

She remembers stitching and hearing Mitsuyo laugh through a smile. "We were... the staple figure for power, luxe, and perseverance... Aside from having the best and strongest members, home was our district. We didn't fit in with the rest- they had problems with the way we loved and how much we hated. Our district was the most lavish! The decorators had it all right. The fountains you'd see, the way the streets sparkled and our gardens. I've tried to recreate the public Uchiha garden here but it could never serve its purpose. We were just too great. You'd see us with fireworks during the summer. That's why I do fireworks, just for the sake of it. For an obnoxious annual challenge- like the chunin exam for the kids but solely for the Uchiha. The men would get so angry. There would be an Uchiha pride day when for three days and three nights- all of us would drink, party and cause mischief. We'd use the fireball techniques to grill our meat. If you didn't have a cousin, a brother, a family member who knew the jutsu- tough steaks for you to eat,"

Sasuke actually asked, "Any more stories?"

Mitsuyo had a lot to tell. It was like they never fought at all. They talked about Konoha with much affection, even if they say they hate it. They bond over the Uchiha's death and exchange cynical comments. It worked. Somehow, for them, it worked well.

Hinata didn't want to interrupt them and their brooding, so she stayed with a dozing Someina in the living room. The kids weren't exactly quiet or mindful of the sleeping nanny and hollered, fought and cried a bunch. Someina gave up on napping and decided to make the boys ramen noodles. Sasuke brought up the fact that their "future sensei," liked ramen and they decided to give it a try.

It's hilarious. Sasuke tried strenuously to get the kids to resent ramen but they savored it dearly, except for Hinata. She grew to dislike noodles over the span of five years. Perhaps her relinquished feelings for Naruto made her hate them or because she ate ramen too much during the year Sakura and Naruto got married. She ate Neji's favorite food every day when in morning a year after he died. Perhaps she just genuinely dislikes noodles because of the feelings associated with Naruto-

But that's not important.

Amarante was poking at the flowers in Hinata's hair, still picking at her kanzashi. She pulled the flower from Hinata's hair and smelled it. Her face scrunched up at the acute inhalation of pollen and perhaps the botanic scent. She wound up her small body, sneezed adorably and Hinata laughed, the melodic sound rising from her heart. A smile floated from Hinata to Amarante's lips when she checked Hinata's face.

Hinata adjusted the flower to be in Amarante's hair. Amarante danced in her spot. She caressed her cheek and tapped Amarante's knee to the beat of the Kumo music. Konoha music was solely based on the koto and flue. Kumo was loud and exciting with all the drums and loud percussion sounds. Or it could be soft and subtle, like the pitter-patter of rain.

She will miss the awful humidity and splendid rain. Now for sunny times!

Benjiro used a noodle perched on his upper lip and said, "Hey! Look at me, I'm uncle Rai,"

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora