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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 10-

In the past. Memory of September 8th.


The trees, bushes, and grassroots were taller. Ungroomed. Messy. Green.

She got so nervous. She was leaving. She was unsteady. Her knees were jelly and her brain mush because she finally left. Sasuke, however, drank in the distance like wine- getting calmer and calmer. His expression was satisfied and he seemed peaceful. She was starting to stand, beginning to crawl and he was running.

It was difficult, to walk away from Konoha when it was beautiful like this.

She hadn't gone long without looking over her shoulder. She ended up using her byakugan and walking backward. She hadn't liked it; seeing the tips of her village's buildings, homes, hospitals, izakayas and the Hokage monuments. Her village was covered by vegetation and trees then it was hidden by distance. She left Konoha hundreds of times, however, none of the departures had the finality that it did now.

She stopped once, halting completely. There weren't any people around them. They passed the Bara Festival goers ages ago. They were too far away.

She looked down at the road. From where she stood, it was impossible to see Konoha with her byakugan. She couldn't see what she really wanted.

Sasuke must have realized this too because he said, "Che," and let her gaze at the forest tops.

She let Sasuke walk away several meters until he hesitated and gave her a mildly curious look.

"Why've you stopped?" Sasuke asked guardedly.

Hinata narrowed her eyes and stayed put.

"Come on, you can tell me," goaded Sasuke.

"I thought I was being a bother..."

"You weren't. Everyone else... yes. I admit, Konoha doesn't put me in the... best mood."

"And you took it out on me," Hinata crossdd her arms over her chest. "Don't do that anymore. I am not a punching bag and I don't want to be treated like one... especially by the father of my child... Don't explode, just explain and communicate with me."

"You want me to treat you better. Got it. Be patient with me and you'll get it," Sasuke said.

Hinata nodded but she bit her tongue.

"Go on. You have a lot more from where that's coming from. So say it..."

"I don't have anything else to say. To you," Hinata whispered.

"Your nose twitches when you're mad. What else do you want to say? Lay it on thick."

"An incubator? That is so disrespectful to every woman across the five nations. I am not an incubator. That is just why we're not getting along! We will be in each other's lives for a long time and I don't like fighting with you!"

"I know I'm an ass. I've been working on it," he admitted.

"I mean... I do not agree but... You must figure it out soon or else... we will not be speaking until you change how you talk to me,"

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now