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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 50-

A million I'm sorry's sound off in his head. He hoped that they reach Hinata. Everything washed them away. She blinked faster. She blinked fast when she was about to cry. Her chest trembled a bit, she bit the inside of her cheek and her eyebrows weren't so smooth anymore.

His neck was cold. He doesn't think he deserves the scarf but maybe he needed it. His neck is really cold. And she's the ice queen once again.

This left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. He said the worst things with the best of intentions.

Damn it. He punched the wall and threw the necklace. It skidded across the hall.

It's a red diamond, extremely small and precious. It was expensive and he found the chain before the Uchiha houses burned down. The blood red reminded Sasuke of a live Uchiha eye. Hinata deserved to have one.

Has his idiocy put wool over his eyes? He doesn't know. Sasuke felt like he was justified to some extent.

Hinata called him a monster in a dark hole of sadness! She didn't want to marry him after the slightest fight. They never really fight. Just little spats here and there. How could they survive the serious stuff if they can't handle something like this?

It was big. He proposed- and panicked. Now that they're in this situation.

He said a lot of things that he regretted but not all of them were true. He just... wasn't ready for marriage. Maybe he should have listened to her. Talking when upset was a bad idea. It escalated everything.

He can't marry her because he could die at any moment. There's a huge difference between losing a husband and losing a boyfriend. He could spare her a lot by not getting too close. He loves her but it's good like this.

He kept on lying to her about everything. He will die. He can't hurt her more than he already has. Maybe admitting would have helped some. It would've.

Her love has been going on some six years and she probably has no plans to stop. And if she has that stubbornness in her when he's gone, he'll never forgive himself. He would admire her for that but be so angry.

In all of his brooding and pacing, he didn't notice a random woman staring at him with such blatant disapproval and disgust.

Temari looked at him with turquoise eyes. She never seemed mean, like what Shikamaru said, until now. Her kimono dress was a dull shade of purple. She had this weird cactus hairstyle.

Temari didn't look happy with him. She waited for an opening and looking at her just gave her it.

"What?" Sasuke sneered.

His voice echoed in the dim wooden hallway. Dark wood that shone with decorated hanging photos of all the important things to have happened in Konoha. It was all photographic evidence for glory.

Before, with Hinata, he only spotted the happy, satisfied men smiling at the camera in the separate photos. Now all he sees are the big noses, downturned brows and scowling faces.

Temari's heels clacked against the floor but were subdued by the carpet she stepped on.

She folded her arms, stopping two metres away from him. "You are really all that they've said, aren't you? A heartless killer of relationships. How could you say she wasn't a wife? That was worse than mere brutality."

Sasuke glared. "If you've come to lecture me, go waste your words on someone else."

"I'm not wasting my words, you idiot! You watched her leave?" Temari threw her arms up. "Why do you hate marriage? I know you want her. Why do you hate something that will give you happiness?"

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now