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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 20-

February 7th.

Sasuke walked into the Hokage's office, kind of chirpy. "Kakashi I am here. What the hell do you-"

Suddenly, Sasuke was slammed into a wall, hearing Kakashi shout. "Hyuuga Hinata was pronounced as dead a week ago. Her funeral is this afternoon. They found her body. The autopsies confirm that it is Hinata. It has her DNA, her chakra, and her chakra pathway," Kakashi looked fervent, still yelling. "Where's the real Hinata? Did someone kill her?"

"She isn't dead. She's at home, picking out baby names. She's settling between Amarante and Hiroaki..." Sasuke said, confused.

"Don't lie, Sasuke," Kakashi said, his fists twisting the heavy cloak Sasuke had on. "It was your child-"

"Don't lose your shit! Nothing happened. The thought makes me sick and my kid... kids- Wait," He saw clearly. Sasuke shoved Kakashi away, irate with the discovery. Huh... "You think I killed her,"

Kakashi tried hard to restrain himself. "Sasuke- you can't have just killed her. She was pregnant. I trusted you butou have motive... Losses don't keep you up at night," Kakashi said with a blank face.

Sasuke would never hurt Hinata... He'd be ruined if Hinata died or left. Ruined. Sasuke was offended. He moved away from his sensei and clutched the doorknob and swung the door open. Kakashi was still convinced that it was him. A killer.

"Stay here," Kakashi said.

Sasuke stopped at the door and turned around. "What do you want?"

"There's more. An impersonator of Hyuuga Hinata is on the loose. Another Hyuuga Hinata got an autopsy. Hyuuga Hinata's body is here, in Konoha without the baby's byakugan/sharingan dojutsu developing. Did you have anything to do with this? Did you fake her death?"

"Christ Kakashi, I'm not that paranoid or that organized so no," Orochimaru could have. Orochimaru cared too much about the sharingan to let an opportunity like this pass up. Sasuke scowled. Kakashi walked back to his desk, not facing Sasuke. "How did no one know about the fake Hinata? Weren't you following my case?"

"I kept tabs on the incoming intel but I believed you fabricated the reports. Another person faked the data. Hyuuga Hinata is the one you are with. She has two clones that a select few call Hinata B and C or just the singular letters for simplicity.

"B is the Hyuuga who impersonated her and the third Hinata clone, C is dead, in a casket at the moment," Kakashi's anger, although there, had simmered down. "The mission was to cure a chakra disease in Na no Kuni. The orginal Hyuuga Hinata was meant to travel to three different nation's countries and investigate. This was the mission we agreed on. Actual chakra diseases in Na no Kuni exist. Somehow, the impersonator Hyuuga Hinata went in, collected data, healed patients and interacted with the disease itself- finding the cure,"

"The real Hyuuga Hinata was with me the whole six months..." Sasuke said, unsettled by the damn news. "Hinata wrote notes on labs and reports... on the hypothetical mission. Did those get sent to Konoha?"

"Not all. The first one did. Instead of other ANBU personnel making it to Na no Kuni, an impersonator, B checked in. Others believe that the impersonator either killed the original Hinata recently. The original Hinata was rumored to be held captive in an unknown region. For the next five months, the impersonator paraded and cured the chakra disease. Na no Kuni, and Tori no Kuni and Kagi no Kuni all got visits from the impersonator,

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