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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 17-

December 2nd. 5:40 p.m


It was loud and demanding.

Hinata opened her eyes, crying rousing her awake. Why would she hear crying?

Hinata was covered by nature but resting in the onsen-like heat.

The kid! He was crying. She turned to look at him...

Hinata, what have you done? Hinata asked herself, mildly horrified.

The tears stopped when he noticed Hinata's gaze on him. He grinned with two front teeth.

He waved shyly.

She waved back and he clapped, making happy sounds. With all the movement changing the position of the blanket, she knew he was next to naked.


The kid smiled at her, climbing into her lap with his stinky breath brushing her face.

"We almost didn't make it," she whispered.

The child probably woke her up for attention, wanting to get her attention.

"You're a clever one, aren't you?" sighed Hinata.

He looked just over three years old. Give or take a few months. Take.

He has an old soul. His turmoiled eyes carried depth and occultism with it. They were dark, purplish-onyx like Sasuke's. His hair was a dusty blue shade. He did seem to have a lot of chakra. He must need water and food.

Hinata needed to get back home. How would she do that?!

"Hey... Kid, uh," Hinata waved at him, trying to get a response.

He wasn't talking.

Hinata furrowed her brow. Was... he aphonic? Does he have psychological aphonia?

She picked him off of her lap, his lip quivering and stood up.

He regarded her with huge coal eyes and tears pricked the corners of them. He grabbed the muddy leg of hers and wrapped an arm around it. There was a look of absolute panic on his face.

He attached himself to her and pressed his face into her calf. The next thing she knew, he sobbed hysterically, howling as if he got a wound. He was afraid of being left behind. He thought she was going to abandon him.

She smiled softly and patted his head. He garnered enough courage to look her in the eye, with only quiet tears. "You know... I'm not going to leave you," she said tenderly.

She pried him off of her leg even when he held on for his dear life and set him two feet away, getting to his level. She grabbed his hand and reverted to her original height but he shook his head furiously. He reached up, fists disentangling, fingers wiggling.

"Oh! You want me to carry you," Hinata said stupidly. Kids did this!

She picked him up with his head settled in the crook of her neck. She settled him into her arms, wiping away his fat tears. He furrowed his eyebrows and stared at her. Waiting.

"C'mon. Let's go find some help," They get ready to go nowhere in particular. She didn't have any money or anything. She had a child that was starved for human company and affection.

Oh, Kami. She only wanted it to stop raining and now she has a child in her arms. They almost tried to drown him! Those monsters! She will find them and hit them. She sighed, constantly fixing the blanket around him. She also smelled the stinginess of alcohol on him. "What did those monsters of men do to you?" she murmured into his hair.

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now