Multiple Hits

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Sweet Dispositions

  -Chapter 31-
Multiple Hits

Present. August 21st. Morning.

Kaiya sat in her abused body, wondering why her life was like this. Her body ached and she had just gotten out of surgery again. She was disoriented and confused. The bewilderment led her to feel like the dangers consumed her, like a body with quicksand.

A fruity laugh was loud. It was deep and strong, in a pleasant way. It was modulated, honeyed and nice but she couldn't trust it.

"Akuma-oo-sama said they will heal in a matter of months," A dolce, silvery woman said. It sounded similar to a snake's hiss. "Rest assured, we will take care of all your needs,"

She felt padding over her eyes... and tight bandages around her face. Her face felt hot and swollen. Her limbs were gelatinous and she was weak. Everything is dark and she panicked, feeling her pulse speed up considerably. "Where am I? Who are you? Why is it so dark? Where am I?"

"So many questions," the laughing voice hummed.

Her heartbeat was hammering so loud, she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. She was strapped down.

The woman heard the hyperventilation begin but the woman caressed Kaiya's cheek. "Your eyes will heal and you shall be in the eternal night without the sannin. Akuma-oo-sama will prevail,"

Only one woman talked like that about Orochimaru. "Shigeko?" Kaiya asked.

"Yes, my companion in crime?" Shigeko purred, voice dripping affection.

"Get away from me, nutzoid,"

"Don't be the cold weather, babe. Remember us? Traveling 'round, like goddesses... Killing civilians and your clan-members alike? You were Orochimaru-sama's least favorite but your people-hunting skills were second to none. That is why Akuma-oo-sama used you for attracting pawns,"

"This is crazy," Kaiya said.

Shigeko laughed. "What happened to you? You've gotten a lot saner. You're no fun,"

Kaiya heard steps approach the cold surgical table she was on. "Ah... do you see the consequences of your mistakes?" A rumbling, throaty voice vibrated through her. "Now, you cannot see,"

Akuma-oo-sama. She immediately flinched away from the source of the slow, purposeful steps. He always moved in a lax, purposeful manner. He moved in that way when he tortured her for the past eight nights.

"You gave layers to Akuma-oo-sama's anger. You also gave doubts to Akuma-oo-sama. Whose side are you on? Who will you serve during the apocalypse?"

He slammed his fists against the medical examination table. She cringed, shuddering in fear. "Akuma-oo-sama's lenient to you. You are family after all. However, one's kindness can only get them this far. Your pain is beautiful and your cries are music but you are going to go numb. Pain won't comfort Akuma-oo-sama. It will surely, surely give Akuma-oo-sama satisfaction if you cannot see your state,

"There are those pawns who deserve rewards for their loyalty. Like Akuma-oo-sama's dear, dear Shigeko. You do not deserve the greatest dojutsu known to men. It gave you pain. Akuma-oo-sama wants to make your life as enjoyable as possible. So, we gave the sharingan to Shigeko,"

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now