Cell Friends

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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 54-
Cell Friends

"Do you think we are born human?" Hinata asked aloud.

Reize looked down at her, her curls tickling Hinata. Reize ran her fingers through Hinata's locks, humming a song. Hinata's head laid on Reize's thigh as Hinata was in need of comfort and human touch.

"Of course we are. Like parasitic hosts, those babies feed off of their mothers." Reize said.

Hinata laughed but she died a little. Why were Reize's circuits wired to be so ominous?

"Why do you think like that?"

"It's true. We're just programmed to love our captors and those who invade us."

"I guess so..." Hinata hummed. "I need some air."

Hinata left and ran the water in the tub. She hasn't done so in a very long time. Hinata sat in the corner, the mirror filling with steam. With thoughts drifting to and from Sasuke, Hinata thought about her conversation with Miyana.

"Some people were born human but Ryuota Chai Uchiha has never learned or grown up to become one. He is a demon." Miyana said. "My nephew smiled when he killed the Raikage. Also when he killed his entire ANBU class when escaping from his father's clutches. Blood tints his smiles. He is dangerous. He was born from hatred, he was born from death."

"Why would baby Ryouta commit all these genocides? He died!" Hinata demanded.

"He didn't die. He just convinced the world he stopped living. Most of all, to scorn his mother."

"What gives him the right to take away everything from his blood?"

"My sister is worse than a natural disaster when it comes to caring for people's safety." Miyana checked the distance; it was another pawn Hinata recognized stalking her when Jimpachi wasn't there. "Find a way out. Train with fresh meat and eyes, they're fresh. They're like clay."

Clay? Fresh eyes? What do new shipments have to do with anything?

The servant stalked closer, his yellow eyes glinting. He had terrible scarring up and down his arms. His body had huge moles and chemical burns from experiments.

"Ah. My mistress, it seems as though you are defaming your lord. You are much too close to his secrets." the servant said.

He grabbed Hinata by the arm. His nails chewed into her soft skin.

She was yanked off of her knees and slammed into the other wall. Pain blossomed in her back. She clenched her teeth from crying out.

"You've gotta go back to yer cage now, little girl."

Compared to this man, she was nothing but a bread crumb in front of a monster. He was huge! Even looking up at him made her neck ache.

Hinata shoved the man and kicked him in his groin. His back slid down the rusted bars as he groaned. Hinata's knee burned. She kneeled, to avoid some pain.

"I will suffer lashes. Take this information and rule this place. Stay alive. Good things are soon at hand." Miyana looked away. "I hope. Play your part well."

Miyana took a blade she's been hiding in her cloak then swung it. The motion sprayed the copper blood across the air and into Hinata's face.

The blood that got into her eye blocked her vision.

Something flew. Is flying. Towards her. A discarded head landed in Hinata's hands, soaking her dress. So much... much. Again. She looked at the grotesque man's fat nose and the blood that poured out, pooling in her lap.

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon