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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 8-

September 7th. Before midnight.


A rude one at that. It was consoling to be around such a stoic force during a time of panic, though.

During the next few hours after saying she would leave Konoha, Sasuke explained his plan of how to leave perfectly.

He wasn't heartless because he allowed her to say goodbye. That's all that she could ask for; a nice goodbye.


September 8th. Morning. Near 6 o'clock.

Hanabi was what Hinata couldn't be without but had to say goodbye to.

Hinata crept into Hanabi's chamber, past eleven. Hinata snuggled with her sister and bombarded Hanabi with kisses. They had a full conversation until Hinata asked, "Would you miss me?"

Hanabi said yes.

Hanabi seemed inquisitive as she peered at Hinata. "I don't have to miss you though, Hinata. You're always there. You're going on a mission, right?" Hanabi calculated.

Yes, Hinata will just go with that. Hinata could lie. She really resents it but she will. "And this one may be very long and I won't be coming back for a while."

"How long?" Hanabi asked, unwinding a bit. "Missions are like three days at a minimum and at least a month-"

"Five months," Hinata lied easily.

If it weren't a real mission, she didn't have to say the real length.

"I'll be gone for five months, it's the longest mission that I'll ever be on." Hinata smiled.

"That's nothing compared to other missions, Hinata... but oh. That's long but not too long... So that's why you keep saying the 'I love you's' and all the 'I'll miss you's' and now the maybe, 'goodbyes'?" Hanabi asked.

"Yes. I may not come back. I can't leave without saying those words each and every time."

"You know you're always coming back, so why say the words in the first place?"

"Relationships feel unfinished if you don't say goodbye," Hinata said and she studied Hanabi.

Hanabi didn't appear to understand Hinata. "Relationships, as Neji said, never end if you still love them. Even if you don't say goodbye."

"So, Hanabi-love, goodbye. Right?" Hinata requested.

"No, it's 'see you later', Hinata. I want to see you again, without the air of finality," Hanabi insisted. Hanabi shook her head fiercely. "Shinobi don't say goodbye because that gives others the illusion to death or hints of self-sacrifice for comrades. It's such a cold word!"

"I'm not a comrade, Hanabi. I'm your sister, so I get to say, 'Goodbye' without it meaning my death in the near future," Hinata said benevolently.

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