Jaded Past

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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 29-
Jaded Past

August 12th. 1 o'clock.

Hide Uchiha Sasuke and feel the burning wrath of Orochimaru's vengeance.

Ominous words choked them as they were moved to a conference room.

Hinata stumbled. Both C and Sasuke moved to catch her. Sasuke got her, glowering at C, steadying her at the waist.

"I'm fine. Just dizzy." Hinata promised. He held on tighter. "Seriously," Hinata added.

Sasuke balanced her when she teetered again.

She grazed his cloak that smelled like pine trees. She inhaled deeply. "Where'd you find this?" she asked.

"It's a new one."

"Feels nice."

Sasuke took her to the far right corner of the room, inspecting her. "Something's off with your chakra. Less like you. The last time I felt this... was who?" Sasuke queried.

Paranoid Sasuke... Hinata held his hand. "I'm fine. The exchange of chakra's natural during healing. A melting pot of chakra types are in me."

"Hn. Tell me if you're uncomfortable."

Hinata winced. "I'm uncomfortable in this... Skirt."

He shrugged out of his cloak, wrapping it around her. "Good yet?"

The summon around her shoulders hissed contently. She nodded and C called them over, to be debriefed.

"Orochimaru's in Kumogakure," C confirmed, in front of the four of them.

Karin burst into tears. Suigetsu hugged her, mumbling into her red hair. After some consolation, she pushed away. Hinata got a tissue box from the oval table for Karin.

As Hinata lifted it, Karin said, "Aw. Thanks. That's the first right thing that you've done all day..."

Hinata threw the tissue box at Karin's face.

"What the hell's your problem?" Karin ripped up the tissue box.

C covered his chuckle with a cough, earning a hard glare from everyone except Hinata.

Hinata leaned over to Sasuke. "Can't the snakes tell Orochimaru that the kids and Kameya are there?"

"Ryūchi snakes like me more. I give treats. You pay them with rewards. There's loyalty," Sasuke promised.

The snake around her shoulders gave his input; "Uchiha-dono's nicer to us than many snakes. Nidaime Manda's a menace."

He was.

Manda had the tender temper of a hurricane. He liked murdering his summoners for seeming weak. He demanded one hundred virgins to kill whenever Orochimaru summoned him. Manda died but his clone, created by Kabuto, is ten times more powerful.

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now