Onwards and Over

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Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 11-
Onwards and Over

October 11th. Night.


It was when she got escorted to the bathroom. She washed and clothed. As she stepped out of the bathroom, Mitsuyo whirled around with loads of towels and blankets.

Wanting to help, Hinata said, "Natsukawa-san? May I help you?"

Mitsuyo nodded and handed some towels to Hinata. "Thank you, dear," she said.

Hinata quite liked being called 'dear,' although she knows that it was just a speech tick that Mitsuyo has. Hinata's never been called 'dear,' so many times in a day. It reminded her of what parents were supposed to be like.

Hinata shook away those thoughts. She couldn't be wondering about things that weren't meant to be. It was impossible.

Mitsuyo turned and opened a closet. It was a cabinet for towels and an assortment of colored blankets. Why she had so many was a puzzle.

Mitsuyo took some towels more out. Too many...

This was too much. Sasuke didn't like a warm place during the night because he overheated. They didn't need this many blankets.

"Oh, Natsukawa-san? Uchiha-san and I do not require so many blankets," Hinata said, hoping to catch the attention of the woman.

"Tut tut," Mitsuyo said, not paying attention to Hinata at all. "What did you say, dear?"

Hinata just looked away because she was distracted by the sight of Sasuke.

"Ah, the bozu. She's out of the bathroom, you could stop with the stalking," Mitsuyo said.

Hinata's eyes look up at Sasuke, confused. Stalking?

Oh. Him. The stalker...

He leaned on the wall, bored. Then he gave her the look that said they needed to talk.

Fine. Fine. Fine, Hinata thought.

She looked at the weight of the towels in her arms and suddenly was interested in the softness of it. "I'll be ready in twenty minutes. Then we could talk," she said as she tried to pass Sasuke.

He stepped in front of her. She sought to sidestep him but he barred her.

"Uchiha-san? What are you... doing?" she questioned.

"This is karma," he said in that usual languid tone.

She almost wanted to sigh. It kind of was karma. In that Izakaya... all those weeks so when she stopped him from leaving the room.

"I get the vibes that you're still pissed at me, huh." Sasuke shrugged.

"Well... you are not wrong," she said quietly.

"What about the lack of disagreements deal?" Sasuke asked.

"That isn't communication... we must deal with the problem," she tried to step away from him.

He followed in her steps. "This isn't either, right?" he said.

"You lied to me, Uchiha-san. That isn't easily forgivable, not really..."

"I lied for you. I don't ask for your forgiveness. You're my responsibility and it was best," he said.

Hinata huffed. "Can we talk about this later? I have to give these to Natsukawa-san."

Sweet Dispositions I: Kumogakure | SasuhinaWhere stories live. Discover now