Chapter 41

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He ran away. Just like that. Just like last time. He didn't come back. I lost him just as fast as I'd gotten him back.

The last week of school was cancelled due to the shooting. The Red got away, and so did Kian. I wish he'd shot me then and there, because now I have to live a life where I'm fearing his parents and missing him at the same time.

You could say I'm a wreck.

Shauna and Rob begged and begged for information. They even called Mark over. But I haven't uttered a word since that day. Maybe I'll speak to Caylen soon, but as of now, I am mute. I'm not going to give away The Red's identity. Kian could get in trouble. He could get killed or something.

I'm only hiding it for him.



Can't stop crying right now. I have never finished a book before. I apologize, for the last 1/4th of the book was somewhat rushed. I'll fix it one day. But I feel so accomplished.

Four months.

That's how long it took me to write this.

Stay tuned for book two.


Updated author's note:

First off, BOO to the two of you who guessed the ending of the book. Thanks a lot.

Jk I get it. I'm not a good author. But I'm still young so I can improve.


•I had two options when I started writing this:

1. Kian could be a jerk who was using Natalie so he could kill her.

2. He could actually be a nice person.

Which do you think I chose?

•Hayden was never meant to be rude. It's sorta just happened. He was supposed to be funny, but I didn't want you to like him more than Kian. But you all hate him now so I might have to fix that.

Oh yeah, sorry if I crushed your soul!

-Hannah, out. ;)

•here's another author's note from another time. (12-14-14)

The sequel is called The Notes. You're welcome. Bye again...

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