Chapter 8

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I wake up in the morning with tired eyes. The clock tells me it's only 6:00 AM. I couldn't even sleep until 4:00.

I don't want to get up. I don't want to see Stephano today, and I don't want to see Susan.

I consider lying in bed all day. Stephano can't watch me here. But I wouldn't be able to pull that off.

What do I do with these three extra hours until breakfast? All of the other girls are still asleep. Despite my tired eyes, I feel wide awake.

I decided to get dressed. Blue is my favorite color, so I put on a shirt of that color and some denim Bermudas. I walk to the tall mirror beside my dresser and brush my hair. I brush it until long after the tangles are gone.

Hmm, I think. What to do, what to do...

I go to the closet, which sits between Elisa and Jean's dressers.

Inside are some dolls and other toys that have multiplied over the years. I realize it's very dusty inside, so I use the playhouse broom to sweep it out. Several people have told me I'm observant, but I don't see how I'm more observant than anyone else.

I sprawl on my bed and hum a tune before heading to the dresser. I open the top drawer, where Jill and I store our keepsakes. My side of the drawer contains a wallet, a scrapbook, my new camera, and a little jewelry box, along with a few little knickknacks like sticky notes and gum wrappers. I pull out the scrapbook. It's a little thing; each page is just a transparent sleeve big enough to hold a picture. I open it to the middle, and there is a picture of Jill and me from two years ago, swinging at a park. Cathy took that picture. She used to take them more often than she does nowadays.

I work my way backwards, looking at more pictures of Jill and me, when I start to see pictures of my parents. Me as a baby. I slam the book shut, and toss it back into the drawer as if it means nothing.

I reach for the camera, and sit on my bed to tinker with the settings until Jill wakes up.


After what feels like an eternity, she does wake up.

"Natalie?" She says, sitting up. "How long have you been awake?"

I just shrug, though I know exactly how long I've been awake.

"How should we avoid Stephano and Susan today?" she asks.

Fanomono and CruisinSusan, I think, trying not to laugh.

"I'll take you and Preston out for ice cream," I tell her.

Her face lights up. "Really?"


"Yay!" She jumps up. Maybe she likes ice cream a little too much.

"Let's go downstairs," she suggests.

Okay, then. At least Stephano didn't see me watching him email that Mark Green person.

Downstairs, I am grateful to see that neither Stephano nor Susan is in the Main Room.

Jill plops herself down on a couch and lets the morning cartoons entertain her. I pay little attention to the TV.

Soon the Breakfast Button sounds, and I'm dreading Susan and Stephano standing by to watch me eat.


That afternoon, Jill, Preston, and I walk to the ice cream shop.

I take a picture of them with my camera. I can see differences in the way they walk. Preston takes long, elegant steps, and Jill's are bouncy, almost as if she's skipping.

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