Chapter 17

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That's what I feel like. Crap. After getting home from the furniture store, I stormed to my room. One look at the calendar sent whatever happiness I might've had sailing into the unknown.

I don't feel bad because Caylen got his face attacked by a headboard. He's actually really proud of that bruise. I don't feel bad that Shauna had to pay for the headboard that attacked Caylen's face.

April 3rd. Yesterday was Jill and Preston's birthday. They were so excited to be teenagers, and they had to wake up to my absence. And I didn't even tell them, I didn't visit, I didn't call, I didn't even remember. I'm a horrible person.

But I'm also a very confused person. Shauna said I'd be going to school on Monday. And go shopping on Monday (which she probably doesn't want me to do now). I'm also wondering why none of us are in school.

I quietly walk to Lenny's room, where Rob and Shauna are unboxing the bed frame. I'm a little embarrassed as I ask, "Uh, Shauna? Why aren't we in school?"

"I forgot it was a teacher in-service day. You're going tomorrow."

"I'm sorry for today. Everything."

She sighs and stands up, her eyes meeting mine. "I'm sorry too. I overreacted."

"I have something to ask you...."

Her gaze hardens a little. "What?"

"Yesterday was my best friend's birthday, and I left without even telling her. Would it be possible to go visit the orphanage...?"

She sighs sympathetically. "I'm going to have to trust you, Natalie. If I say it's okay, you can't die, and you can't expose the agency."

"I'll have to try extra hard on that first one."

She smiles. "Take Caylen with you. You should try not to handle agency-threatening situations alone."

"No problem. I'll have him run there with me."

"Don't stay too long. Be back by 2:00 o'clock."

"Okay then."

She turns her attention back to the bed, and I leave the room calling, "Caylen! We're leaving!"

"I know!" he answers from somewhere in the house. "I was eavesdropping!"

I laugh out loud. It feels good.

At the door, Lenny holds it open for us, and says, "Don't come back, runts." I walk out before I can smack him. The door slams shut behind us.

Once we're outside, he says, "So we're running?"

"Yeah. Got a problem with that?"


I giggle and start running. I hear his footsteps as he catches up with me.

"Natalie? Isn't the orphanage on the other side of town? How long will this take?"

"Oh, half an hour."

His eyes bug out. "No! I can't! The only sport I've ever done was pranking!"


"Yes." He's wheezing for breath already.

We keep running all across town, with Caylen complaining that he can't breathe the whole way. He made me take a least fourteen breaks, which was hard, because I couldn't wait to get back to the orphanage. I wanted to get some sort of birthday gift, like Jill did for me, but I have no money.

I reach up and feel for the earrings she gave me. With a sinking feeling, I realize one is missing. It's probably traveling through the criver.

Finally, we arrive at the orphanage, Caylen gasping for breath. He must be exaggerating at least a little bit, or I've truly begun to kill him.

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