Chapter 34

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It's been a whole week since Kian kissed me. He hasn't mentioned it, and he's been distant ever since Hayden accused him of changing me. We hardly talk. We mostly just sit together, hardly making eye contact. As for Hayden, he's been giving me the silent treatment. So basically, these last few days haven't been that great. As I walk to school on Monday, I hope it will be a better day.

"Have you pulled any pranks lately?" I ask Caylen. I don't know if he notices, but my voice is cold and empty.

He shakes his head. "No. I keep worrying that someone will die."

Maybe someone would smile at that, but people dying lost it's humor long ago.

"So what have you been up to?" I ask.

"Just...nothing. I keep finding myself planning pranks, but it just reminds me of the night Danny died, and I immediately feel sick."

After a minute, he says, "What about you? You don't seem so well, either."

"I don't know. I'm just confused."

He nods, but doesn't say anything. As we approach the school, I wonder if I should just go somewhere else instead of hang out with Kian. If he's going to act like this than I don't need to be around him.

Actually, I'm the one being rude. Kian's probably just worried that he is rubbing his depressing personality off on me.

I part from Caylen and meet up with Kian.

I don't say anything for a while, but when I do speak, I say, "I want us to talk, Kian."

He looks up. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For...not acting normal."

"We still on for the dance?"

"It's up to you."

Ouch. Does he really even care?


"Look, Hayden really wants to go with you."

"Well, he ruined that for himself."

"Natalie, I'm wondering if he's right. Am I really making you act different?"

"I don't know! And I don't care! I'm super mad at Hayden right now and I don't care what he thinks!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I really prefer to be with you."

He doesn't say anything.

"Well," I say, "if it's up to me, then I guess we're still going to the dance. It's you or nobody."

"Why am I so special, Natalie?" he asks quietly. "You don't know anything about me. What makes me better than him?"

I think for a second. "You're different."


"You just are. Everyone's different, and I prefer you, okay?"

"But why?"

"Well, when you're not acting like this, you can be normal and funny and you make me happy. But when you're like this, you just make me sad. Do you have any idea how you've affected me this week?"

"So I am making you act different."

"Kian, last week, I was happy. Perfectly happy. I got to see you smile and I was just happy. But then you stopped smiling and started closing up again, and that's what makes me act like this."

"But people don't approve of you being with me. Maybe you're better off-"

"Kian, but I'm not getting in trouble with you. It's like a good rebellious."

He looks up at me. "Are you going to stick around until Friday?"

"Longer than that."

"Okay. Meet me at the park at 11:00. I want to show you something."


Authors Note:

Short chapter! It was really kind of a filler to put some time in between two main events. Stay tuned for an amazing chapter!!

Shout out:

@Linna1029 with Shadow's Edge

Honestly I haven't read enough of this. I'm always busy writing or giving feedback to people who've asked for it. But she's an amazing wattpadder and whenever I read Shadow's Edge, it makes me happy. :)

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